Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. We believe it is necessary to constantly monitor lifestyle after pelvic prolapse surgery, which affects the formation of recurrence. The recurrence rate of genital prolapse is very high after treatment. We want to strengthen outpatient monitoring and management of postoperative patients at the PHC level. This will reduce the number of complications and relapses after surgical treatment. The aim of the study was to develop a valid questionnaire for monitoring the period after genital prolapse surgery" The detection monitoring of postoperative outcomes" – DMPO. Materials and methods. We have created a specialized questionnaire to assess the postoperative period of surgical treatment of genital prolapse. There were 60 patients, 30 of them with uncomplicated and 30 with complicated postoperative period. We assessed the content, external and constructive validity. Statistical analysis was carried out in the SPSS – statistic 26 program. The level of statistical significance was determined as p<0.05. Results. We carried out statistical processing of the questionnaire "Monitoring for the detection of postoperative outcomes" in Russian and Kazakh languages. This analysis showed that the questionnaire is valid and reliable. The questionnaire was completed in less than 12 minutes. We eliminated all difficult language for non-professionals after conducting external and content validity. We recommend this questionnaire for use in clinical practice. This will help to respond to symptoms in time and prevent their worsening. We aim to add value to the preventive public health direction by changing the paradigm for PHC doctors: "from treating exacerbations to preventing them".
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Laktionova M.V., Aringazina A.M., Kulzhanov M.K., Baimuratova M.A., Askerov A.A., Khamidullina Z.G., Smagina I.M. Development of the author's questionnaire "The detection monitoring of postoperative outcomes" to prevent recurrence of genital prolapse // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 4, pp. 86-91. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.4.010

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