Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: In the general structure of morbidity and mortality of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan, diseases of the circulatory system occupies a leading position. Among them, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, vascular lesions of the brain are more common. The purpose of the study: to assess the dynamics of morbidity and mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, including from coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2020. Materials and methods: in assessing the dynamics of morbidity and mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, including from coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension, annual statistical collections on the health of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the activities of healthcare organizations were used. Results: In the period from 2008 to 2018, the prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system increased almost 2.5 times from 1204.3 to 2755.4 cases per 100 thousand population. The morbidity and mortality rate from this disease varies in the regions of the country: in 2019, the Karaganda region recorded the highest mortality rate from diseases of the circulatory system per 100 thousand people, 325.47 cases, and in the Republic this year this indicator amounted to 163.14 cases, in second place East Kazakhstan region (255.81 cases), in third-Western Kazakhstan region (209.45 cases). The incidence of the population (the number of newly registered diseases per 100 thousand people) in 2019, diseases of the circulatory system in the Republic amounted to 2811.7 cases, by region, the first place is occupied by the city of Almaty-3758.3, the second place is taken by the city of Shymkent - 3418.6 and the East Kazakhstan region-3406.5, the third place is Akmola region-3099.7 and Zhambyl region-3008.2 cases. The incidence rate of the population with newly diagnosed arterial hypertension in the country from 2015 to 2020 increased to 1,433.7 cases, including this indicator of coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular diseases were as follows in 2015-2020, respectively: 470,7-604,2; 65,9-127,6; 458,4-433,7; Conclusion: Clinical studies conducted by foreign and domestic scientists show the possibility of improving the life prognosis and survival of patients with hypertension with adequate therapy, positive motivation and the patient's tremendous work to overcome his own illness; a major role in prevention is given to therapeutic schools of teaching patients with hypertension - " schools of arterial hypertension. Given the high prevalence of hypertension in our country and its role in the development of complications, it is of great importance to study the provision of medical care to patients with hypertension, including the identification of patients with hypertension in the early stages of the disease after the introduction of a disease management program, the correct assessment by doctors of the risk of coronary heart disease and timely preventive measures.
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Markabayeva A.M., Kerimkulova A.S., Nurpeissova R.G., Zhumanbayeva Zh.M., Mukhamejanova A.A. Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2020 // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 5, pp. 70-77. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.5.009

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