Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
актуальным и дискутабельным вопросом в сфере здравоохранения, так как предоставление высококвалифицированной медицинской помощи зависит напрямую от компетентности практикующих врачей, что в свою очередь является следствием работы общей системы подготовки кадров. Медицинское образование требует к себе более пристального внимания с каждым днем, для того, чтобы специалисты по окончанию обучения обладали всеми необходимыми навыками для реализации общей врачебной миссии. За последние пять лет «безопасность» пациентов занимает лидирующие позиции политики здравоохранения разных стран мира и является ключевым компонентом качества оказания медицинских услуг. В связи с вышеизложенным вырос спрос на разработку новых учебных планов с учетом критериев безопасности пациентов для врачей различных специальностей на всех этапах оказания медицинской помощи, что создает дополнительные обязанности для педагогов медицинских учебных заведений. Цель: Проанализировать публикации, посвященные вопросам изучения современного состояния методов управления в медицинском образовании. Стратегия поиска: поиск литературы был осуществлен в электронных базах PubMed, Google Scholar и e-library по ключевым словам (медицинское образование, управление, оценивание, дизайнерское мышление. Релевантные работы, отражающие характеристики проблемы были приняты для описания в обзоре. Результаты: По результатам рассмотренных исследований в области управления в медицинском образовании рассмотрена эволюция методов оценивания, в том числе метод проблемного обучения и компетентностного подхода, а также различные вариации проектного и дизайнерского мышления. Особое внимание было уделено «цифровизации», так как электронное обучение позволяет использовать доступные IT-технологии для предоставления широкого спектра образовательных услуг. Выводы: Изучение эффективности образования является сложным, но мы должны быть в состоянии выполнять исследования более высокого качества, чем те, которые рассмотрены здесь, особенно при сравнении методов управления. Как показал наш обзор, необходимо лучше определять метод обучения и контролировать то, что на самом деле происходит в образовательной практике. Мы нашли несколько соответствующих исследований различного качества. В нашей работе рассматриваются несколько способов обеспечения эффективности программ оценки, включая использование правильной комбинации методов оценки и проведение тщательного отбора и обучения экспертов. Кроме того, в обзоре отмечается, что для реализации своего потенциала в качестве движущей силы в развитии стажеров, качественном уходе и безопасности пациентов требуется эффективное управление информацией и документирование, а также постоянное рассмотрение путей улучшения системы оценки.
Максут Т. Сенбеков 1, Гульнара Ж. Токмурзиева 2 1 Казахский Национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан; 2 Алматинский филиал Национального центра общественного здравоохранения, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан.
1. Ахмадуллина Г.Х. Управление эффективностью обучения медицинских работников в современных условиях // Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2018. №.1. С. 40-43. 2. Митрофанова К.А. Компетентностный подход в медицинском образовании: опыт зарубежных исследователей // Профессиональное образование в России и за рубежом. 2015. №. 3 (19). С. 167-171. 3. Albanese M.A. et al. Problem-based learning: A review of literature on its outcomes and implementation issues // Academic medicine-Philadelphia. 1993. Т.68. С.52-81. 4. Albanese M.A., Mejicano G., Mullan P., Kokotailo P., Gruppen L. Defining characteristics of educational competencies // Medical Education. 2008. 42(3). Р. 248–55. 5. Anderson J., Calahan C.F., Gooding H. Applying design thinking to curriculum reform // Academic Medicine. 2017. Т. 92. №. 4. С. 427. 6. Badwan B. et al. The importance of design thinking in medical education // Medical teacher. 2018. Т. 40. №.4. С. 425-426. 7. Balslev T. et al. Visual expertise in paediatric neurology // European journal of paediatric neurology. 2012. Т. 16. №. 2. С. 161-166. 8. Barrows H.S. A taxonomy of problem‐based learning methods // Medical education. 1986. Т. 20. №. 6. С. 481-486. 9. Baruck J. Doctors as makers // Acad Med. 2017; 92: 40–4. 10. Bennett N.L. et al. Continuing medical education: a new vision of the professional development of physicians // Academic Medicine. 2000. Т.75. №.12. С. 1167-1172. 11. Berkson L. Problem-based learning: have the expectations been met? // Academic medicine. 1993. С. 579–588. 12. Berwick D.M., Finkelstein J.A. Preparing medical students for the continual improvement of health and health care: Abraham Flexner and the new “public interest” // Acad Med. 2010. 85: 556–65. 13. Bhatti N.I., Cummings C.W. Competency in surgical residency training: defining and raising the bar // Academic Medicine. 2007. № 82(6). Р. 569–7. 14. Bordage G., Harris I. Making a difference in curriculum reform and decision-making processes // Medical Education. 2011. № 45(1). Р. 87–94. 15. Bouhnik D., Marcus T. Interaction in distance‐learning courses // Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2006. Т. 57. №.3. С. 299-305. 16. Brown T. et al. Design thinking // Harvard business review. 2008. Т. 86. №. 6. С. 84. 17. Calhoun J.G., Davidson P.L., Sinioris M.E., Vincent E.T., Griffith J.R. Toward an understanding of competency identification and assessment in health care management // Quality Managemant in Health Care. 2002. № 11(1). Р. 14–38. 18. Cantoni V., Cellario M., Porta M. Perspectives and challenges in e-learning: towards natural interaction paradigms // J Vis Lang Comput. 2004. Oct: 333-345. 19. Carraccio C., Wolfsthal S. D., Englander R., Ferentz K., Martin C. Shifting paradigms: from Flexner to competencies // Academic Medicine. 2002. № 77(5). Р. 361–367. 20. Carraccio C.L., Englander R. From Flexner to competencies: Reflections on a decade and the journey ahead // Acad Med. 2013;88: 1067–1073. 21. Carroll C., Booth A., Papaioannou D., Sutton A., Wong R. UK health-care professionals' experience of on-line learning techniques: a systematic review of qualitative data // J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2009, 29(4):235-241. 22. Сhmiedgen J., Spille L., Köppen E., Rhinow H., Meinel C. Measuring the impact of design thinking. In: Design thinking research: Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 157–170. 23. Chodorow S. Educators must take the electronic revolution seriously // Academic medicine. 1996. Т.71. №.3. С. 221-226. 24. Clark D. Psychological myths in e-learning // Medical teacher. 2002. Т. 24. №. 6. С. 598-604. 25. Colliver J.A. Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: research and theory // Acad Med. 2000. 75: 259–266. 26. Cook D.A., Levinson A.J., Garside S., Dupras D.M., Erwin P.J., Montori V.M. Instructional design variations in internet–based learning for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis // Acad Med. 2010, May. 85(5). 909-922. 27. Cook D.A. Web-based learning: pros, cons and controversies. Clin Med (Lond) 2007;7(1):37-42. 28. Cross N. Designerly ways of knowing. Berlin: Springer; 2006, Brown T, Wyatt J. Design thinking for social innovation. Stanford Soc Innov Rev. 2010;8:31–5. 29. David T.J., Dolmans D.H., Patel L., van der Vleuten C.P. Problem based learning as an alternative to lecture-based continuing medical education // J R Soc Med. 1998. 91: 626–630. 30. Davis D., O'Brien M.A., Freemantle N., Wolf F.M., Mazmanian P., Taylor-Vaisey A. Impact of formal continuing medical education. Do conferences, workshops, rounds, and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behaviour or health care outcomes? // JAMA. 1999. 282: 867–874. 31. Davis N., Davis D., Bloch R. Continuing medical education: AMEE Education Guide No 35 // Med Teach 2008. 30(7): 652-666. 32. Deichmann D. Design thinking: making user happiness the metric for success // RSM Discovery-Management Knowledge. 2017. Т. 29. №. 1. С. 18-19. 33. Dolmans D., Schmidt H.G. The advantages of problem-based curricula // Postgrad Med J. 1996. 72: 535–538. 34. Facione N.C., Facione P.A. The Health Sciences Reasoning Test. Millbrae, CA: Insight Assessment; 2006. 359 c. 35. Farrell R., Hooker C. Design, science and wicked problems // Des Stud. 2013. 34(6): 681–705. 36. Fraser H. Turning design thinking in design doing. In: Roger M, Roger M, Karen C, editors. Rotman on design: the best on design thinking from Rotman magazine. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press; 2013. p. 116–21. 37. Gibbons A., Fairweather P. Computer-based instruction. In: Tobias S, Fletcher J (eds). Training & Retraining: A Handbook for Business, Industry, Government, and the Military. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2000:410–42. 38. Greenhalgh T. Computer assisted learning in undergraduate medical education // Br Med J, 2001. Jan 6; 322(7277): 40-44. 39. Grol R., Jones R. Twenty years of implementation research // Fam Pract. 2000, 17: S32–S35 40. Iby D.M., Cooke M., O’Brien B.C. Calls for reform of medical education by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: 1910 and 2010. Acad Med. 2010;85:220–7. 41. Jolly B. Shining light on competence // Medical Education. 2012. № 46(4). Р. 346–8. 42. Jornet A., Roth W.M. Imagining design: transitive and intransitive dimensions // Des Stud. 2018;56:28–53. 43. Kahlke R., White J. Critical thinking in health sciences education: considering “three waves” // Creative Education. 2013; 4(12): 21–9. 44. Kim S.H., Myers C.G., Allen L. Health care providers can use design thinking to improve patient experiences // Harvard Business Review. 2017. Т. 95. №.5. С. 222-229 45. Ku B., Shah A., Rosen P. Making design thinking a part of medical education // NEJM Catalyst. 2016. Т. 2. №.3. 115-121 46. Leung W.C. Competency based medical training: review // BMJ. 2002;325:693–96 47. Lockyer J. et al. Core principles of assessment in competency-based medical education // Medical teacher. 2017. Т. 39. №. 6. С. 609-616. 48. Manzini E. New design knowledge // Design studies. 2009. Т. 30. №. 1. С. 4-12. 49. Masic I. E-learning as new method of medical education // Acta Inform Med. 2008; 16(2):102-117. 50. McLaughlin J.E. et al. A qualitative review of the design thinking framework in health professions education // BMC medical education. 2019. Т. 19. №. 1. С. 98. 51. Messick S. Validity. In R. Linn (Ed.), Educational measurement, (3rd ed.). Washington DC: Oryx Press. 1989. 52. Moberg T.F., Whitcomb M.E. Educational technology to facilitate medical students' learning: background paper 2 of the medical school objectives project // Acad Med. 1999, 74: 1146–50. 53. Nair B.R., Finucane P.M. Reforming medical education to enhance the management of chronic disease // Med J Aust. 2003, 179: 257–59. 54. Niccum B.A. et al. Innovation and entrepreneurship programs in US medical education: a landscape review and thematic analysis // Medical education online. 2017. Т. 22. №. 1. С. 1360722. 55. Norcini J.J., McKinley D.W. Assessment methods in medical education // Teaching and teacher education. – 2007. Т. 23. №. 3. С. 239-250 . 56. Norcini J.J. Current perspectives in assessment: The assessment of performance at work // Medical Education, 2005. 39, 880–889. 57. Norman G.R., Schmidt H.G. Effectiveness of problem-based curricula: theory, practice and paper darts // Med Educ. 2000; 34: 721–728.22. 58. Norman G.R., Schmidt H.G. The psychological basis of problem-based learning: a review of evidence // Acad Med. 1993; 6. 7. 59. Oz ah PO. Undergraduate medical education: thoughts on future challenges // BMC Med Educ. 2002, 2: 8–10 60. Ratzan S.C. Commissioned paper integrating health literacy into primary and secondary prevention strategies // Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Health Literacy. 2009. С. 77-101. 61. Rosenberg M.J., Foshay R. E‐learning: Strategies for delivering knowledge in the digital age // Performance Improvement. 2002. Т. 41. №. 5. С. 50-51. 62. Roth M.T., Mumper R.J., Singleton S.F., Lee C.R., Rodgers P.T., Cox W.C., et al. A renaissance in pharmacy education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill // NC Med J. 2014. 75(1):48–52. 63. Royalty A., Roth B. Developing design thinking metrics as a driver of creative innovation. In: Design thinking research: Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 171–83. 64. Ruiz J.G., Mintzer M.J., Leipzig R.M. The impact of e-learning in medical education // Academic medicine. 2006. Т. 81. №. 3. С. 207-212. 65. Sanci L.A., Coffey C.M., Veit F.C., Carr-Gregg M., Patton G.C., Day N., et al. 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Problem-based learning: A review of literature on its outcomes and implementation issues. Academic medicine-Philadelphia. 1993. Т.68. С.52-81. 4. Albanese M.A., Mejicano G., Mullan P., Kokotailo P., Gruppen L. Defining characteristics of educational competencies. Medical Education. 2008. 42(3). Р. 248–55. 5. Anderson J., Calahan C.F., Gooding H. Applying design thinking to curriculum reform. Academic Medicine. 2017. Т. 92. №. 4. С. 427. 6. Badwan B. et al. The importance of design thinking in medical education. Medical teacher. 2018. Т. 40. №.4. С. 425-426. 7. Balslev T. et al. Visual expertise in paediatric neurology. European journal of paediatric neurology. 2012. Т. 16. №. 2. С. 161-166. 8. Barrows H.S. A taxonomy of problem‐based learning methods. Medical education. 1986. Т. 20. №. 6. С. 481-486. 9. Baruck J. Doctors as makers. Acad Med. 2017; 92: 40–4. 10. Bennett N.L. et al. Continuing medical education: a new vision of the professional development of physicians. Academic Medicine. 2000. Т.75. №.12. С. 1167-1172. 11. Berkson L. Problem-based learning: have the expectations been met? Academic medicine. 1993. С. 579–588. 12. Berwick D.M., Finkelstein J.A. Preparing medical students for the continual improvement of health and health care: Abraham Flexner and the new “public interest”. Acad Med. 2010. 85: 556–65. 13. Bhatti N.I., Cummings C.W. Competency in surgical residency training: defining and raising the bar. Academic Medicine. 2007. № 82(6). Р. 569–7. 14. Bordage G., Harris I. Making a difference in curriculum reform and decision-making processes. Medical Education. 2011. № 45(1). Р. 87–94. 15. Bouhnik D., Marcus T. Interaction in distance‐learning courses. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2006. Т. 57. №.3. С. 299-305. 16. Brown T. et al. Design thinking. Harvard business review. 2008. Т. 86. №. 6. С. 84. 17. Calhoun J.G., Davidson P.L., Sinioris M.E., Vincent E.T., Griffith J.R. Toward an understanding of competency identification and assessment in health care management. Quality Managemant in Health Care. 2002. № 11(1). Р. 14–38. 18. Cantoni V., Cellario M., Porta M. Perspectives and challenges in e-learning: towards natural interaction paradigms. J Vis Lang Comput. 2004. Oct: 333-345. 19. Carraccio C., Wolfsthal S. D., Englander R., Ferentz K., Martin C. Shifting paradigms: from Flexner to competencies. Academic Medicine. 2002. № 77(5). Р. 361–367. 20. Carraccio C.L., Englander R. From Flexner to competencies: Reflections on a decade and the journey ahead. Acad Med. 2013; 88: 1067–1073. 21. Carroll C., Booth A., Papaioannou D., Sutton A., Wong R. UK health-care professionals' experience of on-line learning techniques: a systematic review of qualitative data. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2009, 29(4):235-241. 22. Сhmiedgen J., Spille L., Köppen E., Rhinow H., Meinel C. Measuring the impact of design thinking. In: Design thinking research: Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 157–170. 23. Chodorow S. Educators must take the electronic revolution seriously. Academic medicine. 1996. Т.71. №.3. С. 221-226. 24. Clark D. Psychological myths in e-learning. Medical teacher. 2002. Т. 24. №. 6. С. 598-604. 25. Colliver J.A. Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: research and theory. Acad Med. 2000. 75: 259–266. 26. Cook D.A., Levinson A.J., Garside S., Dupras D.M., Erwin P.J., Montori V.M. Instructional design variations in internet–based learning for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acad Med. 2010, May. 85(5). 909-922. 27. Cook D.A. Web-based learning: pros, cons and controversies. Clin Med (Lond) 2007;7(1):37-42. 28. Cross N. Designerly ways of knowing. Berlin: Springer; 2006, Brown T, Wyatt J. Design thinking for social innovation. Stanford Soc Innov Rev. 2010;8:31–5. 29. David T.J., Dolmans D.H., Patel L., van der Vleuten C.P. Problem based learning as an alternative to lecture-based continuing medical education. J R Soc Med. 1998. 91: 626–630. 30. Davis D., O'Brien M.A., Freemantle N., Wolf F.M., Mazmanian P., Taylor-Vaisey A. Impact of formal continuing medical education. Do conferences, workshops, rounds, and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behaviour or health care outcomes? JAMA. 1999. 282: 867–874. 31. Davis N., Davis D., Bloch R. Continuing medical education: AMEE Education Guide No 35. Med Teach 2008. 30(7): 652-666. 32. Deichmann D. Design thinking: making user happiness the metric for success. RSM Discovery-Management Knowledge. 2017. Т. 29. №. 1. С. 18-19. 33. Dolmans D., Schmidt H.G. The advantages of problem-based curricula. Postgrad Med J. 1996. 72: 535–538. 34. Facione N.C., Facione P.A. The Health Sciences Reasoning Test. Millbrae, CA: Insight Assessment; 2006. 359 c. 35. Farrell R., Hooker C. Design, science and wicked problems. Des Stud. 2013. 34(6): 681–705. 36. Fraser H. Turning design thinking in design doing. In: Roger M, Roger M, Karen C, editors. Rotman on design: the best on design thinking from Rotman magazine. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press; 2013. p. 116–21. 37. Gibbons A., Fairweather P. Computer-based instruction. In: Tobias S, Fletcher J (eds). Training & Retraining: A Handbook for Business, Industry, Government, and the Military. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2000:410–42. 38. Greenhalgh T. Computer assisted learning in undergraduate medical education. Br Med J, 2001. Jan 6; 322(7277): 40-44. 39. Grol R., Jones R. Twenty years of implementation research. Fam Pract. 2000, 17: S32–S35 40. Iby D.M., Cooke M., O’Brien B.C. Calls for reform of medical education by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: 1910 and 2010. Acad Med. 2010;85:220–7. 41. Jolly B. Shining light on competence. Medical Education. 2012. № 46(4). Р. 346–8. 42. Jornet A., Roth W.M. Imagining design: transitive and intransitive dimensions. Des Stud. 2018;56:28–53. 43. Kahlke R., White J. Critical thinking in health sciences education: considering “three waves”. Creative Education. 2013; 4(12): 21–9. 44. Kim S.H., Myers C.G., Allen L. Health care providers can use design thinking to improve patient experiences. Harvard Business Review. 2017. Т. 95. №.5. С.222-229. 45. Ku B., Shah A., Rosen P. Making design thinking a part of medical education. NEJM Catalyst. 2016. Т. 2. №.3. С.115-121. 46. Leung W.C. Competency based medical training: review. BMJ. 2002;325:693–96 47. Lockyer J. et al. Core principles of assessment in competency-based medical education. Medical teacher. 2017. Т. 39. №. 6. С. 609-616. 48. Manzini E. New design knowledge. Design studies. 2009. Т. 30. №. 1. С. 4-12. 49. Masic I. E-learning as new method of medical education. Acta Inform Med. 2008; 16(2):102-117. 50. McLaughlin J.E. et al. A qualitative review of the design thinking framework in health professions education. BMC medical education. 2019. Т. 19. №. 1. С. 98. 51. Messick S. Validity. In R. Linn (Ed.), Educational measurement, (3rd ed.). Washington DC: Oryx Press. (1989). 52. Moberg T.F., Whitcomb M.E. Educational technology to facilitate medical students' learning: background paper 2 of the medical school objectives project. Acad Med. 1999, 74: 1146–50. 53. Nair B.R., Finucane P.M. Reforming medical education to enhance the management of chronic disease. Med J Aust. 2003, 179: 257–59. 54. Niccum B.A. et al. Innovation and entrepreneurship programs in US medical education: a landscape review and thematic analysis. Medical education online. 2017. Т. 22. №. 1. С. 1360722. 55. Norcini J.J., McKinley D.W. Assessment methods in medical education. Teaching and teacher education. – 2007. Т. 23. №. 3. С. 239-250. 56. Norcini J.J. Current perspectives in assessment: The assessment of performance at work. Medical Education, 2005. 39, 880–889. 57. Norman G.R., Schmidt H.G. Effectiveness of problem-based curricula: theory, practice and paper darts. Med Educ. 2000; 34: 721–728.22. 58. Norman G.R., Schmidt H.G. The psychological basis of problem-based learning: a review of evidence. Acad Med. 1993; 6. 7. 59. Oz ah PO. Undergraduate medical education: thoughts on future challenges. BMC Med Educ. 2002, 2: 8–10 60. Ratzan S.C. Commissioned paper integrating health literacy into primary and secondary prevention strategies. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Health Literacy. 2009. С. 77-101. 61. Rosenberg M.J., Foshay R. E‐learning: Strategies for delivering knowledge in the digital age. Performance Improvement. 2002. Т. 41. №. 5. С. 50-51. 62. Roth M.T., Mumper R.J., Singleton S.F., Lee C.R., Rodgers P.T., Cox W.C., et al. A renaissance in pharmacy education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. NC Med J. 2014. 75(1):48–52. 63. Royalty A., Roth B. 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Сенбеков М.Т., Токмурзиева Г.Ж. Совершенствование методов управления медицинским образованием. Обзор литературы. // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2020. 1 (Т.22). С.27-38. doi: 10.34689/SH.2020.22.1.003

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