Introduction. The search of tools for the early detection of conditions associated with both carbohydrate metabolism disorders and the early development of endothelial dysfunction (ED), which subsequently leads to the development of cardiovascular events, continues currently. There are a large number of it for assessing these conditions, we settled on the most sensitive, reliable, economically low-cost methods: studying the biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction Endocan, FABP4, PAI-1 and ultrasound determination of intima media thickness in patients with prediabetes, risk of T2DM.
Aim. the participation and contribution of biomarkers: FABP4, Endocan, PAI-1 to study on the development of ED in patients with prediabetes.
Search strategy. This review primarily includes data from original studies, literature reviews found in Scopus, Web of Science, and Pubmed (Medline) databases, using appropriate keywords. The depth of the search was twenty years, due to the limited number of studies conducted on this topic and the relatively recent and growing interest of researchers in this field.
Results. All three biomarkers (FABP4, Endocan, PAI-1) appear in the early stages of endothelial dysfunction, when the development of cardiovascular events is reversible, which is the interest for the further research. Moreover, these biomarkers are responsible for different pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of endothelial dysfunction, and their combination allows one to immediately evaluate lipid metabolism disorders (FABP4), endothelial damage (Endocan), and increased thrombus formation (PAI-1). Thus, it is more accurate to establish the appearance of endothelial dysfunction in the early stages of carbohydrate metabolism disorder and prediabetes. It is worth noting that studies assessing the level of endothelial dysfunction biomarkers in patients with prediabetes and the risk T2DM have been poorly studied. And also their simultaneous association in conjunction with the study of intima media thickness in patients with prediabetes and the risk of T2DM has not been carried out at all.
Conclusions. It is scientific interest to study these markers of endothelial dysfunction at the prenosological stage, in the absence of vascular accidents manifested by diabetic micro - and macroangiopathies. Studying this issue will identify successful tools for future early detection and prevention of vascular injury and CVE.
Viktoriya F. Parakhina1,
Yelena M. Laryushina1,
Olga A. Ponomareva1,
1 NСJSC «Medical University of Karaganda», Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Parakhina V.F., Laryushina Ye.M., Ponomareva O.A. Participation of biomarkers FABP4, Endocan, PAI-1 to the development of endothelial dysfunction in prediabetes condition // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 6, pp. 181-190. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.6.021Похожие публикации: