Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance. From 600 thousand to 1.2 million cases of ARVI and influenza are registered annually in Kazakhstan. On the average for the epidemiological season hospitalised with severe and medium - severe course of ARVI - up to 70-80 thousand people, 70% of whom are children under 14 years, including children under 1 year - up to 30-35%, pregnant women -53-55% of the number of pregnant women who fall ill with ARVI, respectively. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infectious disease (ARVI) includes a number of measures and approaches aimed at alleviating symptoms, reducing the duration of the disease and preventing complications. One such drug is enisamia iodide, produced by Pharmak (Ukraine) under the trade name Amizon, registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan as an antiviral agent. Materials and methods. The study is a cohort, clinical, non-interventional, prospective. In the city infectious diseases hospital of Shymkent, clinical trials were conducted on the effectiveness of the antiviral drug enisamia iodide in severe forms of ARVI in adults, in comparison with a group of patients who did not receive etiotropic treatment from December 2022 to January 2023. Results and conclusions. As a result of the treatment, progression of normalization of body temperature was observed by the 4th and 5th days (96% and 98%, respectively). In the comparison group, an improvement in the normalization of body temperature by the 3rd day was registered in 60% of patients. When comparing the main and control groups by bed days, statistically significant differences were established (p=0.049*). Patients with standard therapy stayed in the hospital longer than those who received Amizon additionally. During treatment with Amizon, only 1 case out of 50 developed an adverse event in the form of a minor headache coinciding with the drug intake, which did not require discontinuation of the drug. On the 3rd and 4th days of therapy, statistically significant differences were revealed. Regression of intoxication symptoms (fever, chills, headache, body aches) and catarrhal manifestations occurred much earlier than in the control group. The need to prescribe antibacterial drugs during the use of Amizon was 10%, which indicates its antiviral and antibacterial effect.
Gulzhan N. Abuova1, Kazybek Zh. Khangeldy1, Gulbanu G. Shaimerdenova1, Bagila A. Zhorakhanova1, Dana K. Sadykhova1, 1 South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Количество просмотров: 815

Категория статей: Актуальная тема COVID-19

Библиографическая ссылка

Abuova G.N., Khangeldy K.Zh., Shaimerdenova G.G., Zhorakhanova B.A., Sadykhova D.K. Efficacy of the antiviral drug enisamy iodide in severe adult acute respiratory infections in the COVID-19 era // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024, (Vol.26) 1, pp. 125-131. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.1.016

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