Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Suicide is an urgent medical and social problem of modern society, showing an upward trend in many countries of the world. according to WHO (2021), 700,000 people die of suicide worldwide, 10-20 times more people attempt suicide every year,. The majority (77%) of these deaths occur in low- or middle-income countries Aim: this study aimed to determine of degree of depression among population of Semey city of Abay region in Kazakhstan. Material and methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out in the Semey city of Abay region Kazakhstan. A special questionnaire was used for determining of degree of depression. Results. A total number of participants was 159, of these 52,8% were male, 47,2% were female, the mean age was 36,92 years. The lowest balls of the Biological factors were in the age group of 31-40 years (5,06 balls). Comparison of factors according to gender is showed significant difference in biological block (p=0,009). Participants who have college level of education showed the lowest balls in the biological factors (p=0,000) and psychological health (p=0,000). Conclusion. Participants showed the presence of risk of all three factors as in the biological, the “basic acquisitions” and psychological health factors. The level of depression was higher in college graduates and service sector workers.
Madina Apbassova1, Saulesh A. Apbassova1, Dariya M. Shabdarbayeva1, httр://–0001–9463–1935 Nailya Zh. Chaizhunusova1, Altay A. Dyussupov1, Tolkyn A. Bulegenov1, Aliya Zh. Karassyaeva1, Asem E. Akylbek1, Murat N. Lepesbayev1, Arailym Baurzhan1, Tatyana N. Svitich2, Gulnar M. Shalgumbayeva1,
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Количество просмотров: 1019

Ключевые слова: Depression, suicide, risk factors, Kazakhstan

Библиографическая ссылка

Apbassova M., Apbassova S.A., Shabdarbayeva D.M., Chaizhunusova N.Zh., Dyussupov A.A., Bulegenov T.A., Karassyaeva A.Zh., Akylbek A.E., Lepesbayev M.N., Baurzhan A., Svitich T.N., Shalgumbayeva G.M. The level of depression as one of the risk factors for suicide among the population of Semey city (Abay region, Kazakhstan) // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (4), pp. 70-75. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.4.009

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