Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. It is known that cardiovascular diabetic neuropathy or cardiac autonomic neuropathy plays a role in the pathogenesis of vascular damage and subsequent cardiac artery disease, which can lead to disability. Currently, genetic mechanisms in the development of cardiac diabetic neuropathy are of interest. Objective of the study. To evaluate the association of the polymorphisms rs1011970, rs62560775, rs72652411, and rs564398 of the ANRIL gene (CDKN2B) with cardiac autonomic neuropathy to identify genetic markers of cardiovascular complications in diabetic patients of the Kazakh population. Materials and methods. A case-control study included 67 patients with diabetes complicated by cardiovascular diabetic neuropathy and 234 individuals in the control group. The research was conducted at the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Genotyping was performed using real-time PCR. Statistical analysis was conducted using Chi-square methods and odds ratio (OR) calculation with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Statistical calculations were carried out using the Gen Expert genetic calculator. Results. According to the findings, only the polymorphism rs564398 of the ANRIL gene (CDKN2B) was associated with cardiac neuropathy (p=0.03). The C allele and CC genotype predispose to disease (1.72 (1.10-2.69) and 1.89 (1.08 – 3.31), respectively). The remaining polymorphisms rs1011970, rs62560775, and rs72652411 were not associated with the outcome of diabetes in our sample. Conclusions. Thus, the polymorphism rs564398 of the ANRIL gene (CDKN2B) is associated with a predisposition to cardiac autonomic diabetic neuropathy. Further research in this area will help assess its impact on the development of cardiac autonomic neuropathy.
Nazira B. Bekenova1, Alisher D. Aitkaliev1, Balzhan S. Kassiyeva1, Tamara A. Vochshenkova1, Akmaral B. Suleimenova1, Valerji V. Benberin1,
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Количество просмотров: 163

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Bekenova N.B., Aitkaliev A.D., Kassiyeva B.S., Vochshenkova T.A., Suleimenova A.B., Benberin V.V. Relationship of the rs564398 polymorphism of the ANRIL gene (CDKN2B) with complications of type 2 diabetes, particularly with the cardiovascular form of diabetic neuropathy // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (5), pp. 55-61. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.5.007

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