Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Analyzed the data of surgical treatment of 225 patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in the period from 1998 to 2012, who depending on the tactics and methods of surgical treatment are divided into 3 groups. Preliminary surgical correction of coronary and cerebral blood flow with following open surgery of AAA has allowed to reduce the number of myocardial infarctions in the early post operational period from 10,1% to 1,2%, strokes from 4,2% to 1,3%, reliably to reduce perioperative mortality from 21,5% to 9,3%. Development of acute ischemia of the left half of the colon with necrosis of the intestine and peritonitis in 4 cases at patients of the 1st and 2nd groups spoke about the relevance of this problem, which requires further decisions. At conditions for placement of stent-graft at abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), this method is the method of choice. Especially in patients with severe comorbidities. Continued infusion-transfusion therapy under the supervision of the central venous pressure in the range of 60-120 mm of water column can lead to increased hydrostatic and reduce colloid osmotic pressure of blood in the vessels, which is accompanied by the development of edema of the vital organs with clinical symptoms of dysfunction to a mono-or multi-organ failure with severe consequences (80-100% mortality up to date). Differentiated approach to the choice of treatment of patients with AAA and timely correction of associated comorbidities, adequate fluid therapy can significantly reduce the incidence and severity of various complications.
Количество просмотров: 446

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Категория статей: Articles

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Алт.А. Дюсупов1, А.А. Карпенко2, А.З. Дюсупов3, Алм.А. Дюсупов4, А.А. Дюсупова5, А.К. Букатов6, К.Б. Тлекин7 РАННЯЯ ПОСЛЕОПЕРАЦИОННАЯ ЛЕТАЛЬНОСТЬ ПОСЛЕ ХИРУРГИЧЕСКОГО ЛЕЧЕНИЯ БОЛЬНЫХ С ИНФРАРЕНАЛЬНОЙ АНЕВРИЗМОЙ БРЮШНОЙ АОРТЫ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2013.№ 1. С. 12-15 Alt.A. Dyussupov, А.А. Karpenko, А.Z. Dyussupov, Аlm.А. Dyussupov, А.А. Dyussupova, А.К. Bukatov, К.B. Tlekin EARLY POST OPERATIONAL MORTALITY AFTER SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH INFRARENAL ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2013.№ 1. С. 12-15 А.А. Дюсупов, А.А. Карпенко, А.З. Дюсупов, Алм.А. Дюсупов, А.А. Дюсупова, А.К. Букатов, К.Б. Тлекин ҚҰРСАҚТЫҚ АОРТА ИНФРАРЕНАЛДЫ АНЕВРИЗМАСЫМЕН НАУҚАСТАРДЫ ХИРУРГИЯЛЫҚ ЕМДЕУДЕН КЕЙІН ОТАДАНКЕЙІНГІ ЕРТЕ ӨЛІМ ЖІТІМ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2013.№ 1. С. 12-15

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