Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Thereby, beside sick medicinal - an resistant by tuberculosis reparativnie processes in pulmonary fabrics and neqativaqia phegms approached at more late periods, than beside sick, beside which medicinal sensitivity MBT to antibacterials drugs were preserved. Medicinal sensitivity MBT and teenager, sick tuberculosis, basically complies with medicinal sensitivity MBT source of the contamination. In this connection chemoprophylaxis for children from centre and contact with medicinal - a firm tuberculosis necessary to conduct with provision for medicinal sensitivity MBT source of the contamination.
Количество просмотров: 432

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Категория статей: Articles

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К.С. Игембаева, Н.Н. Сыздыкбаева, Д.А. Байгожина, Р.С. Игембаева, А. Измайлова ТУБЕРКУЛЕЗ У ДЕТЕЙ И ПОДРОСТКОВ В СОВРЕМЕННЫХ УСЛОВИЯХ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2013.№ 1. С. 45-46 K.S. Igembayeva, N.N. Syzdykbayeva, D.A. Baigozhina, R.S. Igembayeva, A. Izmailova TUBERCULOSIS BESIDE FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGER IN MODERN CONDITION // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2013.№ 1. С. 45-46 К.С. Игембаева, Н.Н. Сыздыкбаева, Д.А. Байгожина, Р.С. Игембаева, А. Измайлова ҚАЗІРГІ ЗАМАНДАҒЫ БАЛАЛАРМЕН ЖАСӨСПЕРІМДЕРДЕГІ ТУБЕРКУЛЕЗ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2013.№ 1. С. 45-46

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