Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background. Pressure ulcer is the damage of skin, mucous membrane and underlying tissue, developed at patients restricted in motion or totally immobile patients. Global burden of pressure ulcers characterized by medical, social and economic aspects of pressure ulcer’s prevention and treatment. Injury associates with increasing of mortality rates, high hospitalization incidence and duration, worsening of patient’s quality of life. Propose. To study epidemiological indexes (prevalence and incidence) of pressure ulcers among the patients in high pressure ulcers development risk. Search strategy. Publication search has done in next databases: Pubmed, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, eLibrary, Cyberleninka. Inclusion criterion: publication date during 2004-2019 years, English, Kazakh, Russian language text, study design– observational, full text papers and conference materials. Exclusion criterion: invitro and invivo studies, case study or series of cases, controlled studies, literature and systematic reviews, another language of publication. Results. Category of elderly and old patients’ prevalence and incidence of pressure ulcers depends on facilities and place of the medical and social aid provision: less rates observed among the elderly care home inhabitants. Epidemiological parameters of this category of patients associated with age of study participants as well. Epidemiological indexes of pressure ulcers among the patients with spinal cord injury not constant too variegated, we haven’t found in the publications clear link of injury prevalence with concreate care and treatment conditions. Analysis of epidemiological data among the patients of ICU department revealed the link between the pressure ulcers prevalence and age of patients. Almost in all of the included in to the review publications used the Braden pressure ulcers development risk scale and stage of the injury revealed with tools, recommended NPUAP/EPUAP. Results. Study the epidemiological indexes among the patients with high risk of pressure ulcers development revealed heterogeneity of studied indexes in included publications, even if the unified tools used for development risk assessment and staging of pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence varies in to the different conditions of medical services provision. Future studies on pressure ulcers prevalence could show the unique epidemiologic situation in region and specific risk factors of the disease.
Количество просмотров: 637

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Категория статей: Обзор литературы

Библиографическая ссылка

Жетмекова Ж.Т., Касым Л.Т., Ахметова А.К., Алтайбаева E.В. Эпидемиология пролежней среди пациентов групп высокого риска // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2020. 4 (Т.22). С. 24-31. doi:10.34689/SH.2020.22.4.003

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