Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Age-related decrease in testosterone essentially triggers the development of hypogonadism, and it is naturally found in middle-aged and older men. Currently, the number of such patients is about 43%. In studies on male aging in Massachusetts (ММАS-MassachusettsMaleAgingStudy), blood testosterone levels in men aged 40 to 70 years were determined by random sampling, where a total of 1491 men were examined. There was a decrease in the level of total testosterone starting from 30–35 years by 0.8%, and the level of free testosterone by 2% per year. Based on baseline prevalence data by age, it is estimated that approximately 2,4 million men aged 40 to 69 in the United States suffer from androgen deficiency. By these morbidity data approximately 481,000 new cases of androgen deficiency are expected per year in men aged 40–69 in the USA. And these data can undoubtedly be extrapolated to men in other countries and continents. Aim: to analyze the literature on methods of non-pharmacological correction of age-related hypogonadism in overweight men in Kazakhstan, neighboring countries and the world. Searchstrategy: literature search was carried out in the electronic databases PubMed, CochraneLibrary, ResearchGate, Webofscience, GoogleScholar, Paragraphmedicine, ScienceDirect and e-library by keywords (age-related hypogonadism, overweight, methods of correction of hypogonadism). 74 relevant works reflecting the characteristics of the problem were selected for description in the review. Results: The basis of non-drug therapy for age-related decrease in testosterone is an integrated approach. The most promising are adequate physical activity against a background of a balanced diet and minimization of stressful situations. In addition to these basic methods there are other ways of treatment to be suggested: spa therapy and general balneotherapy, correction of concomitant diseases of the organs of the reproductive system (varicocele, hydrocele, exacerbation of chronic prostatitis). With pronounced overweight bariatric surgery is gaining popularity. Conclusion: With the existing set of methods and techniques used for non-drug correction of age-related hypogonadism, there is no single standard for the management and observation of this category of patients. Such an abundance of applied methods, with all its certain positivity, indicates that there are no methods that could be reliably classified as highly effective in case of androgen deficiency. Therefore, this direction requires further structuring and adaptation to modern requirements by age categories.
Количество просмотров: 736

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Категория статей: Обзор литературы

Библиографическая ссылка

Akkaliev M.N., Aukenov N.Ye., Massabayeva M.R., Apsalikov B.А., Sadykov N.M., Kuderbaev M.T. Non-drug treatment for age-related hypogonadism in overweight men. Literature review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2020, (Vol.22) 5, pp. 18-30. doi:10.34689/SH.2020.22.5.002

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