Introduction.Despite the successes achieved in the treatment of essential hypertension (AH), the problem of treatment of resistant hypertension remains urgent.

In this regard, in many countries around the world, innovative non-drug method of sympathetic denervation of renal arteries using high frequency currents has been widely spread.

Aim. To determine efficacy of sympathetic denervation of renal arteries for the course of resistant hypertension according to the materials of the cardiological department of the University Hospital.

Materials and methods. 86 patients with resistant hypertension were examined and treated during 2014-2017 with the use of a method of catheter sympathetic denervation of renal arteries together with permanent antihypertensive therapy. AH monitoring was performed during the entire period of inpatient treatment, and also during the subsequent 3-6 months after the procedure. Statistic analysis of getting information was carried with SPSS program 12.0.2 for Windows.

Results: It was found that in most cases the application of the above method allows to achieve the target blood pressure level in the next few months after the procedure, accompanied by the need to reduce the daily doses of constantly used medications.

Conclusions: The use of catheter sympathetic denervation of renal vessels in resistant hypertension is a highly effective method of its treatment, which allows improving the quality of life of patients.

Gulzhahan K. Kapanova 1,

Asya I. Khaibullina 1,

Аinur S. Botabayeva 1, Мaigul B. Selgazina 1,

Tungyshkhan Ye. Shakhanov 1, Daulet K. Muzdubayev2


1 Department of faculty therapy, 2Student of 4 course, faculty general medicine,

Semey State Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan

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