Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background. Injury has a great socio-economic importance, since it leads to a high level of disability and medical and social consequences: disability and mortality. More than 5 million people die from injuries worldwide every year. Of the 300 million people with disabilities in the world today, a significant proportion are victims of road traffic accidents. The aim: is to study mortality from accidents, injuries and poisoning in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials and methods. A comparative retrospective analysis of mortality from accidents, injuries and poisoning in the context of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020 was carried out according to the statistical collections "Health of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the activities of healthcare organizations", including Medinform. Results. Over the past 10 years, a significant decrease in mortality from accidents, injuries and poisoning has been observed in the dynamics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There is a high mortality rate in 2004-2006, varying in the range of 148-150.2 per 100 thousand population. In 2019, the national average mortality rate from accidents, injuries and poisoning was 65.35 per 100 thousand population. There is a high mortality rate in the East Kazakhstan (108.66) and North Kazakhstan (107.14) regions. The lowest mortality rate was recorded in the city of Nur-Sultan (38.02) and the Kyzylorda region (38.55). Conclusion. Thus, in Kazakhstan, there is a decrease in mortality from accidents, injuries and poisoning in dynamics. Despite the decrease in mortality in the regions of northern Kazakhstan, there is a high mortality rate from accidents, injuries and poisoning in this part of the country compared to southern and western Kazakhstan.
Roman Ni1, Dariga S. Smailova1, Serik Е. Ibrayev2, Kenes R. Akilzhanov3, Ainur M. Yelissinova3, Altyn M. Aringazina 4, 1 Kazakhstan’s Medical University «Kazakhstan School of Public Health, Almaty c., Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 NCJSC «Astana Medical University», Nur-Sultan c., Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 NCJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey c., Republic of Kazakhstan; ⁴ Caspian University, Caspian International School of Medicine, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Ni R., Smailova D.S., Ibrayev S.Е., Akilzhanov K.R., Yelissinova A.M., Aringazina A.M. Analysis of mortality from accidents, injuries and poisoning in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 1, pp. 71-78. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.1.009

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