Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. It is estimated, that 36 million people are blind worldwide and about one-fifth of the world's population experience vision loss. The majority of vision loss (90%) is preventable or treatable. Thus, access to the eye care is critical in improving eye health status of the whole population. The study of ophthalmologist density allows in general to judge the availability of eye care to the population. Along with this, the staffing level of specialists has a significant impact on the quality of medical care. Aim: to analyze the ratio of ophthalmologists per 1 million population across the regions of Kazakhstan in the period of 2015-2020 years, as well as a separately study the staffing rate of pediatric ophthalmologists Materials and methods. A comparative retrospective descriptive analysis of the ratio of ophthalmologists per 1 million population across the regions of Kazakhstan for the period of 2015-2020 was carried out according to the data from the statistical collections “Health of the population of Kazakhstan and the activities of healthcare organizations”. A descriptive analysis of the staffing of pediatric ophthalmologists was performed according to the information system "Resource Management System" on the date of October 1st, 2020. Results. In 2015, the ratio of ophthalmologists was 81.5 ophthalmologists per 1 million population. The ratio of ophthalmologists increased in 2016 to 89.9 per 1 million population. Then it showed downward trend during the study period. However, there was a significant variation among the regions of our country, as well as between urban and rural population. During the study period the highest ophthalmologist density was observed in Almaty city, the lowest in Almaty region. In 2020, the average national provision of ophthalmologists for urban population was 114.5 per 1 million population, while for rural population it was 19.2. In 2015, the ratio of pediatric ophthalmologists was 10.6 per 1 million pediatric population. The staffing rate of pediatric ophthalmologists varied significantly by region from 0% (Atyrau region) to 100% (Zhambyl and Turkestan regions). Conclusion. There is high regional disparity in distribution of ophthalmologists in the Republic of Kazakhstan, with significantly more specialists concentrated in urban areas. The staffing rate of pediatric ophthalmologists is also unequal between the regions.
Aliya K. Kabylbekova1, Altyn M. Aringazina2,3, Ardak M. Auyezova1, Neilya A. Aldasheva4, Aigerim S. Tuletova5 1 Kazakhstan’s Medical University, Kazakhstan School of Public Health, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Almaty Management University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3Caspian International School of Medicine, Caspian University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 4 Kazakh Eye Research Institute, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 5 Astana Branch of Kazakh Eye Research Institute, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Kabylbekova A.K., Aringazina A.M., Auyezova A.M., Aldasheva N.A., Tuletova A.S. Regional distribution of ophthalmologists in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 3, pp. 85-93. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.3.011

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