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Іntrоductіоn. Іtʹs knоwn that реrsоns еxроsеd tо β− and γ–raуs, tоgеthеr wіth a dіffеrеnt оf damagіng еffеcts, рartіcular іmроrtancе іs alsо attachеd tо thе dіgеstіvе sуstеm. Thе dоmіnant rоlе оf nеutrоn−actіvatеd radіоnuclіdе Manganеsе−56 (56Mn) was nоtеd іn thе trеatіsеs оf scіеntіsts whо studіеd thе atomіc bоmb еffеcts оf Japanеsе cіtіеs, dеsеrvіng thе іntеrеst tоdaу.
Thе rеsеarch рurроsе. Іnvеstіgatе and comparе thе morphomеtrіc іndіcators іn thе small іntеstіnе оf rats еxроsеd tо low dosе bу β– and γ–raуs.
MoreThe role of the private sector in health care are still a subject of many debates, especially in the context of universal coverage of health services and the quality of care. Nowadays the relevance of this issue is justified by the difficulties facing the public sector in relation to health financing, health management and health services, as many governments experience financial constraints that force priorities and limit public spending. Advanced countries are in search of effective policies to improve hospital management and more efficient use of resources in the health sector. Expan...
According to WHO, the incidence of newborns with intrauterine growth retardation ranges from 31.1% in Central Asia to 6, %% in Europe, from 2.4% to 17% in the CIS. The analysis of literary sources confirms the fact that the main socio-economic factors affecting the development of this pathology are smoking of mother, the level of ecology, the effect of industrial wastes and the problems of their utilization. The growth of general and somatic morbidity by separate classes of diseases was observed in almost 1.5-2.3 times, an increase in the frequency of complicated births, an i...
MoreAcute cholecystitis (OС) occupies one of the leading places in the frequency of occurrence in emergency surgery in elderly and senile patients. And there is no unambiguous proposal for diagnosing, treating and preventing the development of all sorts of complications in this age group.