Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Introduction. The article provides an analysis of thyroid disease among the population of areas adjacent to the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. The tragic feature of the Semipalatinsk region, consisting in multiple acute and chronic exposure to large and small doses, virtually no area of decontamination and replacement foods have created a unique environment for the study of long-term exposure to certain doses of radiation on health. According to modern concepts, the main effects of exposure to radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland (TG) are thyroiditis, benign and malignant tumors. Among thyroid pathology observed a high frequency of autoimmune thyroiditis, and thyroid nodules (24,3% ± 0,81 - 28,3%±0,9). The study suggests the importance of radiation risk factor in the realization of thyroid pathology. Objective: to study the frequency and features of thyroid gland and other endocrine diseases in residents of the territories adjacent to the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Materials and Methods: To study the epidemiological characteristics of thyroid pathology in the study region was carried out the cross-sectional study. Conclusions: Given the set high frequency of autoimmune thyroiditis, the formation of nodules (24,3% ± 0,81 - 28,3% ± 0,9) and relatively high numbers prevalence among the surveyed population hypothyroidism (9,2% -42,1%), we can conclude the important role of ionizing radiation in the formation of thyroid disease in the population surveyed in the region. A more detailed study of the pathogenetic basis of the pathological effect of ionizing radiation on the state of the thyroid gland in the surveyed region will be possible with the molecular genetic analysis, which will provide early diagnosis and prevention of thyroid pathology in the study region.
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