Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. Presently a metabolic syndrome is leading reason of death rate in the whole world and stipulates to 12-17% lethality by reason of cardiovascular diseases and 30-52% by reason of diabetes mellitus. Guards a that fact that components of metabolic syndrome both on a separateness and in a complex began all more often to meet for children and teenagers.

Objective: early diagnostics of metabolic syndrome for Semey children and teenagers and development of prophylactic measures on warning of his development. 

Number of Views: 1951

Category of articles: Original article

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Дюсупова А.А., Дюсупова Б.Б., Дюсупов А.А., Еспенбетова М.Ж., Абылхаиров К.Т., Оспанова А.Е., Омарова Г.С. Ранняя диагностика метаболического синдрома у детей и подростков города Семей / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2018. 2 (Т.20). С. 42-53.

Dyussupova A.A., Dyussupova B.B., Dyussupov A.A., Espenbetova M.Zh., Abylkhairov K.T., Ospanova A.Е., Оmarova G.S. Early diagnostics of metabolic syndrome for Semey children and teenagers. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2018, (Vol.20) 2, pp. 42-53.

Дюсупова А.А., Дюсупова Б.Б., Дюсупов А.А., Еспенбетова М.Ж., Абылхаиров К.Т., Оспанова А.Е., Омарова Г.С. Семей қаласының жасөспірімдермен балалардағы метаболикалық синдромның ерте диагностикасы / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2018. 2 (Т.20). Б. 42-53.

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