Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

The purpose of research was study the changes of activity energy metabolism enzymes -  succinatedehydrogenase and citohromoksidase in lymph nodes of the small intestine at the generation descendents in 2, 5 and 10-monthly ages of white rats subjected to low dose (0,2 Gr) of gamma radiation. Experimental studies were carried out on white outbred 90 rats of both sexes which was generation of animals exposed to radiation. The study status of energy metabolism in the lymph nodes of the small intestine in 2, 5 and 10-monthly intact descendants and the descendants of animals subjected to gamma-radiation at a dose of 0,2 Gr. Irradiation was performed in czech radiotherapy device «Teragam» rays of 60Co. This method was developed by topometric-dosimetric preparation of experimental animals to radiation exposure. In the lymph nodes of the small intestine gomogenats were determined the activity of succinatedehydrogenase (S. Tapbergenov, 1971), citohromoksidase (R.Krivchenkova, 1974). The results of the study were generally accepted by SPSS program. The comparison conducted by the criterion of t-Student.

Our experimental study showed that in the lymph nodes of the small intestine in 2-monthly of the descendants of the irradiated white rats the activity of SDG is not reliable changes, and the 5-monthly descendants irradiated animals characterized that lymph nodes of the small intestine there is no reliable changes. The 10-monthly descendants of animals subjected to low-dose gamma radiation activity of SDG in the lymph nodes of the small intestine to 20,13% (p<0,05).

So it is set that in researched lymph nodes of the small intestine at the 10-monthly descendants of rats subjected to low dose (0,2 Gr) of gamma-radiation compared to 2 and 5-monthly descendants of the exposed rats there has been a significant reduction of activity of SDG and CHO enzymes
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Category of articles: Original articles

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