Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Screening of risk factors and early stages of malignancy is currently one of the key areas in oncology. Neoplasms of colorectal localization are among the priorities for screening. This is due, on the one hand, to the presence of minimal symptoms of background pathologies and early stages of cancer, on the other hand, to the possibility of non-invasive or minimally invasive determination of important diagnostic criteria during screening. In Kazakhstan, screening for colorectal cancer has been carried out since 2012, which allows an analysis of the factors affecting respondent feedback and effectiveness. The aim of the work is to determine the level of laboratory and instrumental screening of colorectal cancer in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan and the reasons for the decrease in its effectiveness. Materials and methods. Study design - observational cross-sectional epidemiological. The contingent to be screened included 202,694 people, including 98,770 in 2018, and 103,924 in 2019. The analysis was carried out for the general population of people to be screened. Statistical analysis was carried out by comparing the relative (frequency) indicators using the Pearson χ2 test. Research results. At the first stage of screening, a total of 53.4% of the investigated contingent were examined in 2018, 58.2% - in 2019. At the second stage, the response rate was low and amounted to 17.9% in 2018 and 20.2% - in 2019. A significant excess of the response frequency among the urban population over the rural population was determined. Absence of respondents prevailed among the reasons for unfulfilled screening, the frequency of which in aggregate was 71.0%. Contraindications to the second stage of screening were identified in 53.3% of cases. The second place was taken by the absence of respondents (25.4%), the third - the refusal to study (19.1%). There were age and gender characteristics of unimplemented and incomplete screening. Conclusion: Screening for colorectal cancer is highly dependent on the medical and social parameters of the population. A differentiated approach is required to attract respondents, taking into account these parameters.
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Zholmurzaeva R.S., Ospanova D.A., Pak L.A., Jumabekov A.T., Ismailov Zh.K., Noso Yoshihiro Screening results of colorectal cancer in the almaty region of the republic of kazakhstan - features and modifying factors of efficiency // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 1, pp. 56-64. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.1.007

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