Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance: cervical cancer occupies a leading position among the most common types of cancer pathology in the female population worldwide. According to the results of clinical studies, the use of 3D-visualized brachytherapy sessions in the program of complex treatment of cervical cancer at the stage of planning and conducting brachytherapy creates clinically favorable conditions for effective therapy: the risk of displacement of applicators is reduced, the load for the patient and medical staff is reduced, and the stage of brachytherapy is accelerated. The use of computed tomography imaging in a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment provides good indicators of local control in patients with cervical cancer, regardless of tumor size and clinical stage, without increasing the frequency of severe late toxic effects, which is important and remains relevant today. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of computed tomography in the planning and control of radiation therapy for cervical cancer. Materials and methods: the present study included 18 patients with a verified diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, who underwent radiation therapy for the pelvic region, the area of regional metastasis up to 50 Gy, preventive irradiation of paraaortic lymph nodes up to 36-40 Gy TFD (total focal dose), followed by brachytherapy under the control of computer tomography imaging. Results: an analysis of the effectiveness of brachytherapy under the control of computed tomographic imaging was performed. After comparing computed tomography images before and after radiation treatment, positive changes were detected in the patients included in the study – a decrease in the volume of the tumor, a decrease in the number and size of regional lymph nodes Conclusions: the use of computed tomography for cervical cancer provides the radiologist with objective information about the state of the primary tumor, the zones of parametral and lymphogenic metastasis. Thus, the use of computed tomographic imaging for planning and dynamic monitoring during radiation therapy in cervical cancer allows individualizing the radiation conditions, reducing the radiation load on the risk organs, and provides a guarantee of the quality of radiation therapy.
Tassbolat A. Adylkhanov 1, Alexandr V. Rakhimbekov 1, Marat N. Sandybayev 2, Tatyana I. Belikhina 2, Alexandra V. Lepikhina 1, Almagul S. Zhabagina 1, Olga B. Andreyeva 1, Natalya Yu. Karnakova 2, Aygerim S. Omarbayeva 1, Gaukhar S. Kamzina 1, Nurgul S. Zhumakanova 1, 1 NCJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey city, Republic of Kazakhstan 2 Center of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology, Semey city, Republic of Kazakhstan
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(2013) The problem of early detection of cervical cancer in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Georgian Med News; 217: 11-15.9. 11. Kirisits C., Erickson B., Pötter R. Gynecologic radiation therapy. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. P.382-386. 12. National Comprehensive Cancer Network et al. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Cervical cancer [Internet]. Fort Washington, PA: National Comprehensive Cancer Network; [cited 2018 Mar 22]. 13. Ohno T. et al. In-room computed tomography– based brachytherapy for uterine cervical cancer: results of a 5-year retrospective study. Journal of radiation research. 2016. Т. 58. №4. С. 543-551. 14. Parkin D.M. et al. Global cancer statistics, 2002. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2005. Vol. 55. №2. P. 74-108. 15. Rogovskaya S.I. et al. Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-distribution, cervical cancer screening practices and current status of vaccination implementation in Russian Federation, the Western countries of the former Soviet Union, Caucasus region and Central Asia. Vaccine. 2013. Т. 31. С. H46-H58.
Количество просмотров: 955

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Адылханов Т.А., Рахимбеков А.В., Сандыбаев М.Н., Белихина Т.И., Лепихина А.В., Жабагина А.С., Андреева О.Б., Карнакова Н.Ю., Омарбаева А.С., Камзина Г.С., Жумаканова Н.С. Роль компьютерно-томографической визуализации в программе подготовки и контроле эффективности лучевой терапии при новообразованиях шейки матки // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2020. 1 (Т.22). С.72-79. doi:10.34689/SH.2020.22.1.008

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