Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance. Thyroid cancer is one of the most prevalent endocrine cancers, which makes the study of issues related to its variants and complications arising during treatment relevant. Secondary anaemia may occur in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer treated with radiotherapy. Aim of this study was to analyse the potential of using hypocalcaemia as a predictor of onset of secondary anaemia after radiotherapy in differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Materials and methods. The study covered a cohort of 120 differentiated thyroid cancer patients treated using conventional methods (including surgery, radiotherapy and hormonotherapy). The occurrence and development of complications in the form of secondary anaemia were analysed. Results. Blood calcium under 2.2 mmol/L in thyroid cancer patients prior to radiotherapy represents a risk factor for the occurrence of secondary anaemia. Calcium deficiency must be monitored and treated in order to avoid this complication. Conclusions. Onset of secondary anaemia is correlated to hypocalcaemia in thyroid cancer patients with hypoparathyroidism. Blood calcium must be monitored prior to radiotherapy during treatment of thyroid cancer.
Yevheniia B. Radzishevska1,2, Yaroslava K. Radzishevska3, Maria Kuksin4, Antonina S. Savchenko1,5, Аleksej N. Boyko3, 1 SE «Institute of Medical Radiology named after S.P. Grigoriev» of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine; 2 Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine; 3City clinical hospital N°27, non-profit organisation of Kharkiv city council The municipal enterprise «Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital №27», Kharkiv, Ukraine; 4 Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon, France; 5 Kharkiv State University named after V.N.Karazin, Kharkiv, Ukraine
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