Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The aim: Analysis of the main characteristics and aspects of quality necessary for implementing medical services that are friendly to children and adolescents. Methods. An analysis of the main characteristics and aspects of quality necessary for implementing medical services that are friendly to children and adolescents in all age groups of 10 schools in Nur-Sultan, Akmola region, Kyzylorda region, East Kazakhstan region, Atyrau region was made. Results. The provision of school health services to children and adolescents is carried out free of charge in full and equally, and also predominantly (60%) guarantees social justice and security principles. At the same time, only 18% of parents have ever received information about the medical services provided at school. The analysis shows that 41% of the legal representatives of children are not informed about the working hours of the school medical center, 41% consider visiting hours convenient for children and 7% inconvenient. However, the results of an online survey among school workers (16.7%) show violations of the confidentiality of examinations at the school health center. Conclusion. The provision of school medical services to children and adolescents is carried out free of charge in full and equally and guarantees social justice and security principles. The basic regulations and by-laws for providing school health services generally guarantee the confidentiality of personal information concerning children and adolescents and their legal representatives. When providing medical care to children and adolescents, the rule of informed consent for invasive manipulations through a legal representative is observed. School health services are held in a hygienically clean environment and supportive environment. SHS has the necessary equipment, supplies, and resources to provide the required services
Akbota Abildina1, Assiya Turgambayeva1, Gulnar Zhaksylykova2, Osama Ali Maher3, Zhandulla Nakipov1, 1 NJSC "Astana Medical University", Department of Public Health and Management, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 NJSC "Astana Medical University", Department of Nursing, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
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Количество просмотров: 547

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Библиографическая ссылка

Abildina A., Turgambayeva A., Zhaksylykova G., Ali Maher O., Nakipov Zh. Analysis of characteristics and quality aspects required for child and adolescent-friendly health services // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 6, pp. 50-58. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.6.007

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