Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Cervical dysplasia caused by human papillomavirus is a significant public health concern that might lead to cervical cancer, particularly in the developing world. The cervical cancer preventative screening program in Kazakhstan needs more sophisticated screening methods for improving early detection and management, which can ultimately reduce the burden of this disease on women's health. Aim: The aim of this study was to elicit false positive results as a major shortcoming of a current screening method and to recommend more accurate testing algorithms. Materials and Methods: Study design: Modelling study, encompassing a period between 2016-2023 in The Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan. The diagnoses of cervical dysplasia based upon cytological and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA tests were collected in a hospital database (Infomed) and further analysed through GraphPad software. Results and discussions: HPV-negative tests occurred in 30.43% (2016), 45.45% (2017), 28.20% (2018), 42.5% (2019), 35.71% (2020), 32.14% (2021), 21.15% (2022), and 54.45% (2023) of the total amount of patients. Nevertheless, they were diagnosed with mild dysplasia. While screening saves lives, it's important to acknowledge that false positives are inevitable without optimisations, and excessive testing can lead to substantial harm, including unnecessary treatments and a burden on the healthcare system. Conclusion: Improvements in specificity might lead to a reduction in false positive results and an increase in the accuracy of referrals for colposcopy. The utilization of dual-staining with p16/Ki-67 cytology appears promising as a biomarker-based method for determining further steps in cervical cancer screening.
Alisher Aitkaliyev1*, Nazira Bekenova1, Tamara Vochshenkova1, Balzhan Kassiyeva1, Serik Alibekov1 Nasrulla Shanazarov1, 1 Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Science and gerontology Department, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Aitkaliyev A., Bekenova N., Vochshenkova T., Kassiyeva B., Alibekov S., Shanazarov N. Challenges of false positive cytological results in cervical cancer screening: the future perspective of more reliable testing methods // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 6, pp. 15-21. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.6.002

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