Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The study of heart rate variability using the "ANS-spectrum" was conducted on 53 children, which identified three classes of autonomic regulation with percentages of 62,2%, 18,9%, and 18,9% respectively. The third class encompassed larger number of children with hypertension (33,4%). In general, the majority of children related to the first class had a good condition of the autonomic nervous regulation of the heart rhythm. The largest contribution to the regulation of heart rate makes the parasympathetic system, while among children of the second class - sympathetic system. Among children with hypertension the total power of the spectrum in a very low frequency range dominated over the range of low and high frequencies. This indicates the predominance of humoral-metabolic effects over the modulating sympathetic-parasympathetic regulatory influence. This once again points to the reduction of regulatory and adaptive capabilities of children with hypertension in the studied regions.
Количество просмотров: 544

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