Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density. Aldehyde dehy-drogenase enzyme may inhibit the proliferation of osteoblast formation and decrease bone formation. In this regard study of the association of ALDH7A1 gene polymorphisms and osteoporosis among women in Kazakhstan is of great interest. The study included 419 women aged 21-84 years, undergoing tests in clinics of Pavlodar and KazNMU clinic named after SD Asfendiyarov in Almaty. Bone mineral density was measured in all patients by DEXA. Blood samples were collected and genomic DNA was isolated. Genotyping was performed with real-time PCR using TaqMan probes. According to the density test, women were di-vided into 2 groups: those with low bone density (153 cases of osteopenia and 76 cases of osteoporosis) and normal density (190 people). Analysis of the genotyping data showed a significant association (OR = 1.7, CI = [1.57-5.02], p = 0.0004) with the risk of osteoporosis in Kazakh women. Predominance of the mutant genotype, 29.2% was also revealed in the group with oste-oporosis among Russian women, indicating association with low bone density. Thus we can assume that ALDH7A1 is a potential genetic marker contributing to the risk of osteoporosis and low bone density among women in Kazakhstan.
Количество просмотров: 464

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Категория статей: Статьи

Библиографическая ссылка

1 А.М. Айткулова, 1,2 А.Р. Акильжанова, 2 Ж.М. Абилова, 3 З.С. Жуматова, 4 Г.А. Акильжанова ВЛИЯНИЕ ПОЛИМОРФИЗМА ГЕНА ALDH7A1 НА МИНЕРАЛЬНУЮ ПЛОТНОСТЬ КОСТНОЙ ТКАНИ И РАЗВИТИЕ ОСТЕОПОРОЗА У ЖЕНЩИН КАЗАХСТАНА.//Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№5. С. 40-44 1 А.М. Айткулова, 1,2 А.Р. Ақылжанова, 2 Ж.М. Абилова, 3 З.С. Жуматова, 4 Г.А. Ақылжанова ҚАЗАҚСТАН ӘЙЕЛДЕРІНДЕГІ СҮЙЕК ҰЛПАСЫНЫҢ МИНЕРАЛДЫ ТЫҒЫЗДЫҒЫ ЖӘНЕ ОСТЕОПОРОЗ ДАМУЫНА ALDH7A1 ГЕНІ ПОЛИМОРФИЗМІНІҢ ӘСЕРІ.//Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№5. C. 40-44 1 А.М. Aitkulova, 1,2 A.R. Akilzhanova, 2 Zh.M. Abilova, 3 Z.S. Zhumatova, 4 G.A. Akilzhanova EFFECT OF POLYMORPHISM OF ALDH7A1 ON BONE MINERAL DENSITY AND OSTEOPOROSIS IN WOMEN OF KAZAHSTAN.//Nauka I Zdravookhranenie 2014.№5. C. 40-44

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