Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In conclusion, it should be noted that the spleen resection ensures a higher level of immune protection with autologous small pieces of tissue. With two momentary breaks and damage to the spleen radical operation required – spleenectomy. In recent years, many authors have reported on the importance of the spleen is an organ of immunodeficient defense of the organism, and began to carry out more sparing surgery for spleen injury. In diagnostic damage to the spleen valuable laparoscopy and celiocentesis with application groping catheter. Improve the technique of hemostasis during resection spleen on the basis of modern biology to achieving and technical equipment have allowed significantly reduce the frequency of the forced removals of the functionally important body, as is the spleen. As a result of the forced splenectomy is advisab le to take pieces of the spleen and implanted in the gland or muscle.
Количество просмотров: 59

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Категория статей: Статьи

Библиографическая ссылка

М.М. Гладинец, А.К. Садыков, А.Т. Маратова, Н.С. Шарипова, Д.Н. Кенжалина ХИРУРГИЧЕСКАЯ ТАКТИКА ПРИ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЯХ СЕЛЕЗЕНКИ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2013.№ 1. С. 12-15 М.М. Gladinetc, A.K. Sadykov, A.T. Maratova, N.S. Sharipova, D.N. Kenzhalina SURGERY TACTICS AT DAMAGE TO THE SPLEEN // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2013.№ 1. С. 12-15 М.М. Гладинец, А.К. Садыков, Ә.Т. Маратова, Н.С. Шарипова, Д.Н. Кенжалина КӨКБАУЫР ЖАРАҚАТЫ КЕЗІНДЕГІ ХИРУРГИЯЛЫҚ ТАКТИКА // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2013.№ 1. С. 16-18

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