Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Topicality: Abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy that causes a serious change in the hormonal background. One of the modern most sparing methods of termination of pregnancy is considered to be medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages through the use of biologically active substances. After the termination of pregnancy, the body, which has begun preparing for carrying a child and lactation, is experiencing serious stress. No matter how gentle the method of termination of pregnancy is, it is still a serious psychological and physical trauma, hormonal stress and always presents a risk of serious complications. According to foreign and domestic scientific research, there is not enough research on the state of the pituitary gland and ovaries after a medical abortion, which was the purpose of our study. The purpose of the study: to study the hormonal status of women after medical abortion Research methods and materials. We observed 50 women who had no contraindications to pharmacological abortion in the post-abortion period after a medical abortion performed in an outpatient clinic with a delay in menstruation up to 63 days. All pregnant women were examined before medical abortion according to the clinical protocol of the MZRK Results. The age of women who applied to the clinic for abortion was on average 26-30 years (38%). There were no contraindications for medical abortion among pregnant women. According to pregnancy parity, every second pregnant woman was multiparous, every third was multiparous, and every fifth was primiparous. According to the results of a clinical examination, the hemoglobin values were not lower than 100 g/l in 90%, only in 10% hemoglobin was within 95 g/l. According to the results of a smear for the degree of purity of the vagina, every second woman had a second degree of purity of the vagina, which is considered within the normal range. The third degree of purity of the vagina was found in 34% of pregnant women, and the fourth - in 16%. Observation of women during medical abortion showed no complaints. According to the results of the third visit, it was found that among 74% of women among early post-abortion complications in 2 (6%) pregnant women, ultrasound revealed a hematometer, which subsequently led to late complications - menstrual irregularities against the background of chronic endometritis. Before and after medical abortion, all women were determined hormonal status by ELISA. For 3 months, the patients kept a menstrual calendar, as well as ultrasound of the pelvic organs at the end of medical abortion and subsequently on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle to study the state of the endometrium and ovaries. The novelty of the study: the study of the hormonal status of women will allow for the prevention of early ovarian failure among women at risk. Practical application of the study: use of combined oral contraceptives after medical abortion for 3 months.
GulnaraZh. Sakhipova1, Nurgul A. Abenova1, 1 NСJSC «West Kazakhstan medical university named after M. Ospanov», Aktobe s., Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Sakhipova G.Zh., Abenova N.A. Ovarian hormonal stress after medical abortion // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 6, pp. 32-39. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.6.005

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