Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background: The main motivating factor that stimulates this research is the discrepancy between the main theoretical constructor, in which the j-part and s-parts of a person's life are the aging process, and researchers pay special attention to the study of childhood and adolescence. Although in recent decades we have seen a growing interest in the study of age-related changes caused by the aging process, the midlife crisis, which is a change in a person's life, is still little considered in the psychological literature. Objective: Research and analysis of the phenomenology and procedural side of the midlife crisis. Materials and Methods: Theoretical analysis, observation, method of expert evaluation of research on this topic, questionnaires and testing. Results: We attributed the procedural side of the midlife crisis to the first group of subjects whose indicators were relatively low according to the measurement method, that is, it can be assumed that these people had a constructive potential for the development of a midlife crisis. In the second group, we included subjects with opposite results using this method. Conclusions: Our research proves that a midlife crisis leads to a state of deep psychological disintegration before it violates the integrity of a person. Existential crisis situations, as a procedural characteristic of the midlife crisis, without assistance can lead to severe socio-psychological adaptation of an individual and a group. The midlife crisis affects deeper layers of the personality and all aspects of the existence of the personality, such as generalized impersonal anxiety, changes in deeply personal views, loss of values and motivational guidelines in life.
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Category of articles: Original articles

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Altynbekova G.I., Altynbekov S.A. Psychological phenomenology and procedural characteristics of the midlife crisis // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 6, pp. 126-136. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.6.017

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