Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. In non-profit Joint-stock Company “Medical University Semey” new integrated educational program is being introduced. It is model of education based on learning outcomes. For creation of the new educational program development of “Competency Catalogue” of graduates for all specialties was necessary to make. On base of this Catalogue all the teachers started to teach according to new standard. At current moment students of the 1st stream have finished the committee “Cell metabolism”. The results of study of this committee are given in this article. Steps of creation of educational program. The steps involved in creating of the educational program were the development of the “Competency Catalogue” of Undergraduate Medical Education Program, the training of the university faculty how to prepare the blueprints of their disciplines, how to work with electron platform KEYPS. Content of new integrated educational program. The first 3 years the program consists of “subject committees”composing of modules of different subjects being in integration and includes different number of theoretical and practical classes. The 1st year of study consists of the four consequently following each other committees:1. Chemical, Molecular, and Physical Fundamentals of Life; 2. Cell Metabolism; 3. Heredity and Tissues; 4. Skeletal-Muscular System. Assessment of students. Assessment of students is realized in KEYPS and includes the following types of testing: formative (30% of year mark) and summative (70% of year mark). Results of study of committee “Cell Metabolism”. This discipline is taught for 1st year students of Faculties “General Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Nursing”, “Dentistry”. The Committee consists of 3 modules: 1 module – Functioning of cell components (Molecular Biology, Histology, Microbiology topics); 2 module – Basis of molecular genetics (Molecular Biology topics); 3 module – Metabolism of the cell (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physiology topics). Conclusion. New educational program demands changes not only in our syllabuses, but also in relation of faculty to teaching process and change of students’ relation to study process in the direction of their self-study without daily assessment.
Saltanat E. Uzbekova 1,–0001–9006–120X Ainash S. Orazalina 2, Asem K. Mussainova 1, Massygut R. Mynzhanov 2, Darkhan E. Uzbekov 3,–0003–4399–460X 1 Department of Histology, 2 Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after academician of NAS RK T.K. Raissov, 3 Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, NJSC “Medical University Semey”, Semey, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. Romer C. Castillo, M.Sc. A Paradigm Shift to Outcomes-Based Higher Education: Policies, Principles and Preparations // International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). 2014; pp.174-186 2. Sunita Y. Patil, ManasiGosavi, Hema B Bannur, and AshwinRatnakar. Blueprinting in assessment: A tool to increase the validity of undergraduate written examinations in pathology // International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). 2015; pp.76-79. 3. Tejas Patel, Manoj K., Parvati Patel. Perceptions of the Use of Blueprinting in a Formative Theory Assessment in Pharmacology Education // Sultan Qaboos University Med. J. 2016; pp.475-481.
Количество просмотров: 836

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Категория статей: Медицинское образование

Библиографическая ссылка

Узбекова С.Е., Оразалина А.С., Мусайнова А.К., Мынжанов М.Р., Узбeкoв Д.E. Из опыта внедрения новой образовательной программы на примере коммитти «Клеточный метаболизм» для студентов 1 курса Медицинского университета Семей // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2019. 6 (Т.21). С. 56-62.

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