Жанар М. Жуманбаева, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8941-862X
Майра Ж. Еспенбетова, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2318-4765
Куралай Ш. Амренова, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4350-2698
Гульнар М. Шалгумбаева, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3310-4490
Оксана А. Юрковская, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6251-5574
Наталья Е. Глушкова, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1400-8436
Ажар А. Дюсупова, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8857-4118
Жалпы дәрігерлік тәжірибе бойынша интернатура кафедрасы, Семей қаласының Мемлекеттік медицина университеті, Семей қ., Қазақстан Республикасы
1. Ванушко В. Э., Фадеев В. В. Узловой зоб // Эндокринная хирургия. 2012. №4. С.11-16.
2. Дедов И.И., Мельниченко Г.А., Фадеев В.В. и др. Клинические рекомендации Российской ассоциации эндокринологов по диагностике и лечению узлового зоба // Проблемы эндокринологии. 2005; 51 (5): 40–42.
3. Еспенбетова М.Ж., Жуманбаева Ж.М., Крыкпаева А.С., Заманбекова Ж.К., Юрковская О.А., Амренова К.Ш., Шалгумбаева Г.М., Глушкова Н.Е. Бұрынғы Семей ядролық полигон аймағына жататын тұрғындардағы қалқанша без ауруының кездесу жиілігі // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №6. С.80-88.
4. Еспенбетова М.Ж., Жуманбаева Ж.М., Глушкова Н.Е. Қалқанша бездің түйінді түрлерін емдеудегі дәстүрлі емес емнің әсері // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2017. №2. С.59-67.
5. Новосад С.В. и др. Современные прогностические модели стратификации риска рака щитовидной железы // Доктор. Ру. 2016. №. 8-9. С. 52-56.
6. Протокол №7 Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Республики Казахстан от 13 июля 2016 года. Клинический протокол диагностики и лечения узловой зоб у взрослых. www.rcrz.kz. (дата обращения 10.01.2018)
7. Сенча А.Н. Ультразвуковая диагностика. Поверхностно расположенные органы. Москва: ВИДАР, 2015. 512с.
8. Фадеев В.В. Узловой зоб: дискуссионные проблемы и негативные тенденции клинической практики (клиническое эссе) // Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология. 2007. №2. С.5-14.
9. Черников Р.А., Воробьев С.Л., Слепцов И.В., Семенов А.А., Чинчук И.К., Макарьин В.А., Куляш А.Г., Успенская А.А., Тимофеева Н.И., Новокшонов К.Ю., Карелина Ю.В., Федоров Е.А., Ишейская М.С., Федотов Ю.Н., Бубнов А.Н. Узловой зоб (эпидемиология, методы выявления, диагностическая тактика) // Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология. 2013. №2. С.29-35.
10. Beresford B., Clarke S., and Greco V. Referrers' use and views of mental health services for deaf children and young people in England // J Ment Health. 2010. №.19 (2). P. 193-201.
11. Cho Y.S. et al. Sonographically guided ethanol sclerotherapy for benign thyroid cysts: results in 22 patients // American Journal of Roentgenology. 2000. №174(1). P. 213-216.
12. Clark O.H. et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of thyroid, parathyroid, and thyroglossal duct cysts // J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1979. №.48 (6). P. 983-8.
13. Cooper D.S. et al. Management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer // Thyroid. 2006. №16 (2). P. 109-42.
14. Cortelazzi D. et al. Resolution of hyperthyroidism in a pregnant woman with toxic thyroid nodule by percutaneous ethanol injection // Thyroid. 1995. №5(6). P. 473-5.
15. Cusick E.L. et al. Cystic change and neoplasia in isolated thyroid swellings // Br J Surg. 1988. №75(10). P. 982-3.
16. De los Santos E.T. et al. Cystic thyroid nodules. The dilemma of malignant lesions // Arch Intern Med. 1990. №150(7). P. 1422-7.
17. Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. 2009. P.145-147.
18. Filetti S., Durante C., and Torlontano M. Nonsurgical approaches to the management of thyroid nodules // Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab. 2006. №.2(7). P. 384-94.
19. Gandek B. et al. Psychometric evaluation of the SF-36 health survey in Medicare managed care. 2004.
20. Gharib H. et al. Clinical review: Nonsurgical, image-guided, minimally invasive therapy for thyroid nodules // J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013. №.98(10). P. 3949-57.
21. Guth S., Theune U., Aberle J., Galach A., Bamberger C.M. Very high prevalence of thyroid nodules detected by high frequency (13 MHz) ultrasound examination // Eur J Clin Invest 2009; 39: 699–706.
22. Hammer M., Wortsman J., and Folse R. Cancer in cystic lesions of the thyroid // Arch Surg. 1982. №.117(8). P. 1020-3.
23. Hay I.D. et al. Long-term outcome of ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol ablation of selected "recurrent" neck nodal metastases in 25 patients with TNM stages III or IVA papillary thyroid carcinoma // Surgery. 2013. №.154(6). P. 1448-54.
24. Jarlov A.E. et al. Accuracy of the clinical evaluation of thyroid size // Dan Med Bull. 1991. №.38(1). P. 87-9.
25. Jayesh S. et al. Efficacy and safety of USG-guided ethanol sclerotherapy in cystic thyroid nodules // Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. 2009. №.19(3). P. 199.
26. Jensen F., Rasmussen S.N. The treatment of thyroid cysts by ultrasonically guided fine needle aspiration // Acta Chir Scand. 1976. №.142(3). P. 209-11.
27. Kalra N. et al. Comparison of Sonographically Guided Percutaneous Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Injection with Ethanol Injection in the Treatment of Benign Nonfunctioning Thyroid Nodules // Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. 2014. №.25(8). P. 1218-1224.
28. Kim D.W. et al. Ultrasonography-guided ethanol ablation of predominantly solid thyroid nodules: a preliminary study for factors that predict the outcome // Br J Radiol. 2012. №.85(1015). P. 930-6.
29. Kim J.H. et al. Efficacy of sonographically guided percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of thyroid cysts versus solid thyroid nodules // American Journal of Roentgenology. 2003. №.180(6). P. 1723-1726.
30. Livraghi T. et al. Treatment of autonomous thyroid nodules with percutaneous ethanol injection: 4-year experience // Radiology. 1994. №.190(2). P. 529-33.
31. Mazzaferri E.L. Management of a solitary thyroid nodule // N Engl J Med. 1993. 328 (8). P. 553-9.
32. Pan Y. and Barnhart H.X. Methods for assessing the reliability of quality of life based on SF-36. Stat Med. 2016. 26. Solymosi T. and Gal I. Treatment of recurrent nodular goiters with percutaneous ethanol injection: a clinical study of twelve patients // Thyroid. 2003. №.13(3). Р. 273-7.
33. Solymosi T. et al. Percutaneous Ethanol Sclerotherapy of Symptomatic Nodules Is Effective and Safe in Pregnant Women: A Study of 13 Patients with an Average Follow-Up of 6.8 Years // International journal of endocrinology. 2015.
34. Tarantino L. et al. Percutaneous ethanol injection of hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules: long-term follow-up in 125 patients // American Journal of Roentgenology. 2008. №.190 (3). P. 800-808.
35. Tarantino L. et al. Percutaneous Ethanol Injection of Large Autonomic Hyperfunctioning Thyroid Nodules // Radiology. 2000. №.214(1). P. 143-1.
36. Chu C.H. et al. Sclerotherapy of thyroid cystic nodules // Journal of the Formosan Medical Association // Taiwan yi zhi. 2003. №102 (9). Р. 625-630.
37. Cooper D.S., Doherty G.M., Haugen B.T. et al. American Thyroid Association Guidelines Taskforce on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer // Thyroid. 2009; 19:1167–1214.
38. Davies L., Welch H.G. Increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States, 1973'2002 // J. Am. Med. Assoc. 2006; 295: 2164–2167.
39. Gharib H., Papini E., Garber J.R., Duick D.S., Harrell R.M., Hegedüs L., Paschke R., Valcavi R., Vitti P. AACE/ACE/AME Task Force on Thyroid Nodules: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Endocrinology, and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules // Endocr Pract 2016; 22: 622– 639.
40. Gharib H., Papini E., Paschke R. et al. AACE/AME/ETA Task Force on Thyroid Nodules). American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, and European Thyroid Association medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules // Endocr. Pract. 2010; 16 (Suppl. 1): 1–43.
41. Haugen B.R., Alexander E.K., Bible K.C., Doherty G.M., Mandel S.J., Nikiforov Y.E., Pacini F., Randolph G.W., Sawka A.M., Schlumberger M., Schuff K.G., Sherman S.I., Sosa J.A., Steward D.L., Tuttle R.M., Wartofsky L. 2015. American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for Adult Patients with Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: the American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Thyroid. 2016; 26: 1–133.
42. Horvath E., Majlis S., Rossi R., Franco C. et al. An ultrasonogram reporting system for thyroid nodules stratifying cancer risk for clinical management // J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2009. Vol. 94. N 5. P. 1748–1751.
43. Kwak J., Han K., Yoon J., Moon H. J. et al. Thyroid imaging reporting and data system for US features of nodules: a step in establishing better stratification of cancer risk // Radiology. 2011. Vol. 260. N 3. P. 892–899.
44. Leenhardt L., Grosclaude P., Cherie-Challine L. Thyroid Cancer Committee: Increased incidence of thyroid carcinoma in France: a true epidemic or thyroid nodule management effects? // Report from the French Thyroid Cancer Committee. Thyroid 2004; 14: 1056–1060.
45. Maia F.F., Matos P.S, Pavin E.J., Zantut-Wittmann D.E. Thyroid imaging report in gand data systems core combined with Bethesda system for malignancy risks tratification in thyroid nodules with in determinate results on cytology // Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf). 2015.Vol. 82. N 3. P. 439–444.
46. Moon W.J., Baek J.H., Jung S.L. et al. (Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology [KSThR]; Korean Society of Radiology) Ultrasonography and the ultrasound'based management of thyroid nodules: consensus statement and recommendations // Korean J. Radiol. 2011; 12: 1–14.
47. Riskstratification of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography with the French TI-RADS: description and reflections // Ultrasonography. 2016. Vol. 35. N 1. P. 25–38.
48. Rossing M., Nygaard B., Nielsen F.C., Bennedbæk F.N. High prevalence of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma in Danish patients: a prospective study of 854 consecutive patients with a cold thyroid nodule undergoing fineneedle aspiration // Eur Thyroid J. 2012; 1: 110–117.
49. Russ G., Leboulleux S., Leenhardt L., Hegedüs L. Thyroid incidentalomas: epidemiology, risk stratification with ultrasound and workup // Eur Thyroid J. 2014; 3: 154–63.
50. Russ G. Risk stratification of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography with the French TI-RADS: description and reflections // Ultrasonography. 2016. Vol. 35. N 1. P. 25–38.
51. Tunbridge W.M., Evered D.C., Hall R., Appleton D., Brewis M., Clark F., Evans J.G., Young E., Bird T., Smith P.A. The spectrum of thyroid disease in a community the Whickham survey // Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1977; 7: 481–493.
52. Verde G. et al. Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection in the treatment of cystic thyroid nodules // Clinical endocrinology. 1994. №.41(6). P. 719-724.
53. Xu S.Y., Zhan W.W., Wang W.H. Evaluation of thyroid nodules by a scoring and categorizing method based on sonographic features // J. Ultrasound Med. 2015. Vol. 34. N 12.P. 2179-2185.
1. Vanushko V. Je., Fadeev V. V. Uzlovoj zob [Nodular goiter]. Endokrinnaja khirurgiya [Endocrine surgery]. 2012, 4, pp.11-16. [in Russian]
2. Dedov I.I., Mel'nichenko G.A., Fadeev V.V. i dr. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii Rossiiskoi assotsiatsii endokrinologov po diagnostike i lecheniyu uzlovogo zoba [Clinical recommendations of the Russian Endocrinology Association for the diagnosis and treatment of nodular goiter]. Problemy endokrinologii [Endocrinology problems]. 2005, 51 (5), pp.40–42. [in Russian]
3. Espenbetova M.Zh., Zhumanbaeva Zh.M., Krykpaeva A.S., Zamanbekova Zh.K., Yurkovskaya O.A., Amrenova K.Sh., Shalgumbaeva G.M., Glushkova N.E. Buryngy Semei yadrolyk poligon aimagyna zhatatyn turgyndardagy kalkansha bez auruynyn kezdesu zhiіlіgі [The frequency of occurrence of thyroid]. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & healthcare]. 2016, 6, pp.80-88. [in Kazakh]
4. Espenbetova M.Zh., Zhumanbaeva Zh.M., Glushkova N.E. Kalkansha bezdіn turlerіn emdeudegі dasturlі emes emnіn aserі [Efficiency of alternative treatment of nodular forms of thyroid gland]. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & healthcare]. 2017, 2, pp.59-67. [in Kazakh]
5. Novosad S.V. i dr. Sovremennye prognosticheskie modeli stratifikacii riska raka shhitovidnoj zhelezy [Modern prognostic models of thyroid cancer risk stratification]. Doktor. Ru [Doctor. Ru]. 2016, 8-9, pp.52-56. [in Russian]
6. Protokol №7 Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya i sotsial'nogo razvitiya Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 13 iyulya 2016 goda [Protocol No. 7 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 13, 2016]. Klinicheskii protokol diagnostiki i lecheniya uzlovogo zoba u vzroslykh [Clinical protocol for diagnosis and treatment of nodular goiter in adults]. Available at: www.rcrz.kz (Assessed 10.01.2018)
7. Sencha A.N. Ul'trazvukovaya diagnostika. Poverhnostno raspolozhennye organy [Ultrasound diagnostics. Superficial organs]. Moscow, VIDAR, 2015, 512 p. [in Russian]
8. Fadeev V.V. Uzlovoi zob: diskussionnye problemy i negativnye tendentsii klinicheskoi praktiki (klinicheskoe esse) [Nodular goiter: discussion problems and negative trends in clinical practice (clinical essay)] Klinicheskaya i eksperimental'naya tireoidologiya [Clinical and experimental thyroidology]. 2007, 2, pp.5-14. [in Russian]
9. Chernikov R.A., Vorob'ev S.L., Slepcov I.V., Semenov A.A., Chinchuk I.K., Makar'in V.A., Kulyash A.G., Uspenskaya A.A., Timofeeva N.I., Novokshonov K.Ju., Karelina Ju.V., Fedorov E.A., Isheiskaya M.S., Fedotov Ju.N., Bubnov A.N. Uzlovoj zob (epidemiologiya, metody vyyavleniya, diagnosticheskaya taktika) [Nodular goiter (epidemiology, detection methods, diagnostic tactics)]. Klinicheskaya i eksperimental'naya tireoidologiya [Clinical and experimental thyroidology]. 2013, 2, pp.29-35. [in Russian]
10. Beresford B., Clarke S., and Greco V. Referrers' use and views of mental health services for deaf children and young people in England. J Ment Health. 2010. №.19 (2). P. 193-201.
11. Cho Y.S. et al. Sonographically guided ethanol sclerotherapy for benign thyroid cysts: results in 22 patients. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2000. №174(1). P. 213-216.
12. Clark O.H. et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of thyroid, parathyroid, and thyroglossal duct cysts. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1979. №.48 (6). P. 983-8.
13. Cooper D.S. et al. Management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid. 2006. №16 (2). P. 109-42.
14. Cortelazzi D. et al. Resolution of hyperthyroidism in a pregnant woman with toxic thyroid nodule by percutaneous ethanol injection. Thyroid. 1995. №5(6). P. 473-5.
15. Cusick E.L. et al. Cystic change and neoplasia in isolated thyroid swellings. Br J Surg. 1988. №75(10). P. 982-3.
16. De los Santos E.T. et al. Cystic thyroid nodules. The dilemma of malignant lesions. Arch Intern Med. 1990. №150(7). P. 1422-7.
17. Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. 2009. P.145-147.
18. Filetti S., Durante C., and Torlontano M. Nonsurgical approaches to the management of thyroid nodules. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab. 2006. №.2(7). P. 384-94.
19. Gandek B. et al. Psychometric evaluation of the SF-36 health survey in Medicare managed care. 2004.
20. Gharib H. et al. Clinical review: Nonsurgical, image-guided, minimally invasive therapy for thyroid nodules. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013. №.98(10). P. 3949-57.
21. Guth S., Theune U., Aberle J., Galach A., Bamberger C.M. Very high prevalence of thyroid nodules detected by high frequency (13 MHz) ultrasound examination. Eur J Clin Invest. 2009; 39: 699–706.
22. Hammer M., Wortsman J., and Folse R. Cancer in cystic lesions of the thyroid. Arch Surg. 1982. №.117(8). P. 1020-3.
23. Hay I.D. et al. Long-term outcome of ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol ablation of selected "recurrent" neck nodal metastases in 25 patients with TNM stages III or IVA papillary thyroid carcinoma. Surgery. 2013. №.154(6). P. 1448-54.
24. Jarlov A.E. et al. Accuracy of the clinical evaluation of thyroid size. Dan Med Bull. 1991. №.38(1). P. 87-9.
25. Jayesh S. et al. Efficacy and safety of USG-guided ethanol sclerotherapy in cystic thyroid nodules. Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. 2009. №.19(3). P. 199.
26. Jensen F., Rasmussen S.N. The treatment of thyroid cysts by ultrasonically guided fine needle aspiration. Acta Chir Scand. 1976. №.142(3). P. 209-11.
27. Kalra N. et al. Comparison of Sonographically Guided Percutaneous Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Injection with Ethanol Injection in the Treatment of Benign Nonfunctioning Thyroid Nodules. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. 2014. №.25(8). P. 1218-1224.
28. Kim D.W. et al. Ultrasonography-guided ethanol ablation of predominantly solid thyroid nodules: a preliminary study for factors that predict the outcome. Br J Radiol 2012. №.85(1015). P. 930-6.
29. Kim J.H. et al. Efficacy of sonographically guided percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of thyroid cysts versus solid thyroid nodules. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2003. №.180(6). P. 1723-1726.
30. Livraghi T. et al. Treatment of autonomous thyroid nodules with percutaneous ethanol injection: 4-year experience. Radiology. 1994. №.190(2). P. 529-33.
31. Mazzaferri E.L. Management of a solitary thyroid nodule. N Engl J Med. 1993. 328 (8). P. 553-9.
32. Pan Y. and Barnhart H.X. Methods for assessing the reliability of quality of life based on SF-36. Stat Med. 2016. 26. Solymosi T. and Gal I. Treatment of recurrent nodular goiters with percutaneous ethanol injection: a clinical study of twelve patients. Thyroid. 2003. №.13(3). Р. 273-7.
33. Solymosi T. et al. Percutaneous Ethanol Sclerotherapy of Symptomatic Nodules Is Effective and Safe in Pregnant Women: A Study of 13 Patients with an Average Follow-Up of 6.8 Years. International journal of endocrinology. 2015.
34. Tarantino L. et al. Percutaneous ethanol injection of hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules: long-term follow-up in 125 patients. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2008. №.190 (3). P. 800-808.
35. Tarantino L. et al. Percutaneous Ethanol Injection of Large Autonomic Hyperfunctioning Thyroid Nodules. Radiology. 2000. №.214(1). P. 143-1.
36. Chu C.H. et al. Sclerotherapy of thyroid cystic nodules. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Taiwan yi zhi. 2003. №102 (9). Р. 625-630.
37. Cooper D.S., Doherty G.M., Haugen B.T. et al. American Thyroid Association Guidelines Taskforce on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid. 2009; 19:1167–1214.
38. Davies L., Welch H.G. Increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States, 1973'2002. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 2006; 295: 2164–2167.
39. Gharib H., Papini E., Garber J.R., Duick D.S., Harrell R.M., Hegedüs L., Paschke R., Valcavi R. AACE/ACE/AME Task Force on Thyroid Nodules: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Endocrinology, and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules. Endocr Pract. 2016; 22: 622–639.
40. Gharib H., Papini E., Paschke R. et al. AACE/AME/ETA Task Force on Thyroid Nodules). American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, and European Thyroid Association medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules. Endocr. Pract. 2010; 16 (Suppl. 1): 1–43.
41. Haugen B.R., Alexander E.K., Bible K.C., Doherty G.M., Mandel S.J., Nikiforov Y.E., Pacini F., Randolph G.W., Sawka A.M., Schlumberger M., Schuff K.G., Sherman S.I., Sosa J.A., Steward D.L., Tuttle R.M., Wartofsky L. American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for Adult Patients with Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: the American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Thyroid. 2016; 26: 1–133.
42. Horvath E., Majlis S., Rossi R., Franco C. et al. An ultrasonogram reporting system for thyroid nodules stratifying cancer risk for clinical management. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2009. Vol. 94. N 5. P. 1748–1751.
43. Kwak J., Han K., Yoon J., Moon H. J. et al. Thyroid imaging reporting and data system for US features of nodules: a step in establishing better stratification of cancer risk. Radiology. 2011. Vol. 260. N 3. P. 892–899.
44. Leenhardt L., Grosclaude P., Cherie-Challine L. Thyroid Cancer Committee: Increased incidence of thyroid carcinoma in France: a true epidemic or thyroid nodule management effects? Report from the French Thyroid Cancer Committee. Thyroid. 2004; 14: 1056–1060.
45. Maia F.F., Matos P.S, Pavin E.J., Zantut-Wittmann D.E. Thyroid imaging report in gand data systems core combined with Bethesda system for malignancy risks tratification in thyroid nodules with in determinate results on cytology. Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf). 2015.Vol. 82. N 3. P. 439–444.
46. Moon W.J., Baek J.H., Jung S.L. et al. (Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology [KSThR]; Korean Society of Radiology) Ultrasonography and the ultrasound'based management of thyroid nodules: consensus statement and recommendations. Korean J. Radiol. 2011; 12: 1–14.
47. Risk stratification of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography with the French TI-RADS: description and reflections. Ultrasonography. 2016. Vol. 35. N 1. P. 25–38.
48. Rossing M., Nygaard B., Nielsen F.C., Bennedbæk F.N. High prevalence of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma in Danish patients: a prospective study of 854 consecutive patients with a cold thyroid nodule undergoing fineneedle aspiration. Eur Thyroid J. 2012; 1: 110–117.
49. Russ G., Leboulleux S., Leenhardt L., Hegedüs L. Thyroid incidentalomas: epidemiology, risk stratification with ultrasound and workup. Eur Thyroid J. 2014; 3: 154–63.
50. Russ G. Risk stratification of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography with the French TI-RADS: description and reflections. Ultrasonography. 2016. Vol. 35. N 1. P. 25–38.
51. Tunbridge W.M., Evered D.C., Hall R., Appleton D., Brewis M., Clark F., Evans J.G., Young E., Bird T., Smith P.A. The spectrum of thyroid disease in a community the Whickham survey. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1977; 7: 481–493.
52. Verde G. et al. Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection in the treatment of cystic thyroid nodules. Clinical endocrinology. 1994. №.41(6). P. 719-724.
53. Xu S.Y., Zhan W.W., Wang W.H. Evaluation of thyroid nodules by a scoring and categorizing method based on sonographic features. J. Ultrasound Med. 2015. Vol. 34. N 12.P. 2179-2185.
Библиографиялық сілтемелер
Жуманбаева Ж.М., Еспенбетова М.Ж., Амренова К.Ш., Шалгумбаева Г.М., Юрковская О.А., Глушкова Н.Е, Дюсупова А.А. Вопросы классификации узловых образований щитовидной железы. Обзор литературы / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2018. №1. С. 101-115.
Zhumanbayeva Zh.M., Espenbetova M.Zh., Amrenova K.Sh., Shalgumbayeva G.M., Yurkovskaya O.A., Glushkova N.E., Dyussupova A.A. Questions of classification of nodal formations of the thyroid gland. Review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2018, 1, pp. 101-115.
Жуманбаева Ж.М., Еспенбетова М.Ж., Амренова К.Ш., Шалгумбаева Г.М., Юрковская О.А., Глушкова Н.Е., Дюсупова А.А. Қалқанша бездің түйінді түзілістерінің жіктелуі бойынша сұрақтар. Әдебиеттік шолу / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2018. № 1. Б. 101-115.