Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background: The aim of investigation was to study the main risk factors for cervical cancer in Semey region. Method: case-control study. Conclusions. Risk factor for cervical cancer in Semey region for women with uncompleted and secondary school educa-tion is higher than for women with high school education. Also the main risk factors for cervical cancer in study region were
N.B. Slyamhanova1, M.K. Adiyeva1, N.A. Zhumyrbaeva1, Zh.T. Sadybekova1 1State Medical University of Semey; 2East Kazakhstan Regional Oncological Clinic; 3Semey Regional Oncology Center; 4SwissKazMed Pharmaceutical Company Republic of Kazakhstan
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Г.М. Шалгумбаева1, Г.Г. Сагидуллина2, М.Н. Сандыбаев3, А.К. Мусаханова4, Л.М. Семенова1, Н.Б. Слямханова1, М.К. Адиева1, Н.А. Жумырбаева1, Ж.Т. Садыбекова1 ФАКТОРЫ РИСКА РАЗВИТИЯ РАКА ШЕЙКИ МАТКИ В СЕМЕЙСКОМ РЕГИОНЕ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 4. С. 23-25 G.M. Shalgumbayeva1, G.G. Sagidullina2, M.N. Sandybaev3, A.K. Musakhanova4, Yu.M. Semenova1, N.B. Slyamhanova1, M.K. Adiyeva1, N.A. Zhumyrbaeva1, Zh.T. Sadybekova1 RISK FACTORS FOR CERVICAL CANCER IN SEMEY REGION . // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 4. С. 23-25 Г.М. Шалгумбаева1, Г.Г. Сагидуллина2, М.Н. Сандыбаев3, А.К. Мусаханова4, Л.М. Семенова1, С.Б. Кайдарова1, Н.Б.Слямханова1, М.К. Адиева1, Н.А. Жумырбаева1, Ж.Т. Садыбекова1 СЕМЕЙ ӨҢІРІ СЕМЕЙ АЙМАҒЫНДАҒЫ ЖАТЫР МОЙНЫНЫҢ IСIГIНIН ҚАУІПТІ ФАКТОРЛАРЫ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 4. С. 23-25

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